Top 10 Natural Remedies For Bronchitis

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Bronchitis. Graphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD) Bronchitis is a pulmonary disease that often happens when an individual is exposed to cold temperatures or wet environments for prolonged periods of time. When left untreated, …

Amazing Uses And Benefits Of Ginger

Uses And Benefits Of Ginger. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock (under license) Ginger Video Transcript: Ginger is a spice that needs little in the way of introduction, as it is popular worldwide. It was originally a plant that thrived …

How To Make Natural Ginger Ale

How To Make Natural Ginger Ale. Image – (with permission) We just found an awesome tutorial for how to make your own natural ginger ale! The link follows after our introduction to the topic. If you’re sick of the …

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Head Lice

Graphic © Head lice are wingless parasites that reside on human scalp and hair shafts. This type of parasite can survive for 30 days feeding off on blood sucked from the infested individual. Head lice are common in school-aged …

Top 9 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

Top 9 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones. Graphic © Photo sources – see foot of article Kidney stones are formed due to various reasons. It could be your diet is too high in calcium, meat protein, salt (increases urate), …

Top 8 Natural Remedies For Ringworm

Graphic © Home Remedies for Ringworm Ringworm is a fungal infection that develops as an itchy, flat, ring-shaped or circular rash on the top layer of the skin. The rash appears reddish and inflamed around the edge but has …

9 Things You Can Do To Reduce Dementia Risk

Graphic © Source image © (under license) Aging is humanity’s greatest fear. Take my word for it; in recent years, we have seen various medical advancements made in order to prolong human life, from high-end drugs to innovative …

6 Natural Remedies for Constipation

Graphic © Constipation can be very nasty, frustrating, and often uncomfortable. A constipated person suffers from hard, dry feces that are very difficult to expel or passes bowel infrequently. What is regarded as normal bowel frequency varies from person …

The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally

The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally. Grahpic © Image – © AdobeStock 53267751 (under license) Our teeth start their life white as snow but they are exposed repeatedly to different staining elements. For example every …

Health Benefits Of Herbs And Spices

Graphic © Here are 7 of the world’s best known herbs and spices, with a few of their noted health benefits according to scientific research: Cinnamon: Cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels by imitating insulin function and increasing glucose …

Four Anti-Inflammatory Spices

Four Anti-Inflammatory Spices. Graphic © Cloves: Cloves have antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. The key active ingredient present in cloves is eugenol, which hasantiviral, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A study has found that cloves inhibit the production …

6 Foods That Help Get Rid Of Parasites

Graphic © Coconut: Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that may help boost the immune system. Coconut oil has anti-parasitic activities as well as antifungal and antibacterial properties. A study has found the antiparasitic activity of coconut against P. falciparum, …