How To Make Sugar-Free Chocolate Coconut Energy Bars

How To Make Sugar-Free Chocolate Coconut Energy Bars. Image – (with permission) This is an amazing, fun recipe that the kids (and adults) will be sure to love! Not only that, but it’s super healthy as well! The recipe …

20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Honey

20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Honey. Graphic © Honey photo © AdobeStock 27730350 (under license) As those of you who have been following our blog will know, we’re very fond of honey – especially the high-grade raw stuff, …

How To Make Fantastic Pure Fruit Ice Cubes

Image – Cheeky Kitchen I discovered this amazing idea over at the Cheeky Kitchen blog and had to share! This is great fun, healthy (pure fruit!), super easy and will add a touch of pure, refreshing class to your drinks! …

Top 20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Garlic

Top 20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Garlic. Graphic © Garlic background image – JJ Harrison (wikipedia) – licensed via CC 3.0 Now I’ve always considered myself a garlic aficionado, and have long believed in its nutritious and healthful …

How To Make Your Own Spa Quality Natural / Herbal Product Range

How To Make Your Own Spa Quality Natural Products. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 32362497 (under license) Bubble baths, hand crafted soaps, home fragrance products, candles, scrubs, polishes, lotions, balms, lotions, creams, butters, aromatherapy massage blends, potpourri and more…. …

20 Of The Best Detoxifying Foods

20 Of The Best Detoxifying Foods. Graphic © Asparagus photo – Evan-Amos (Wikipedia) – lic. under CC 3.0 One of the most significant nutritional philosophies of modern times is that keeping the level of toxins in the body to …

20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Coffee

Graphic © Background image – Pixabay (PD) So you thought that coffee was just for drinking, right? Not quite. Coffee is one of the world’s most popular drinks and has been popular for hundreds of years. It was the …

Nine Important Ways To Avoid Pesticide Residues In Food

Nine Important Ways To Avoid Pesticide Residues In Food. Graphic © Apple skull’n’bones pic © AdobeStock 22129230 (under license) In Europe over the past few years, controversy has raged over the safety of Glyphosate – aka. Monsanto’s “Roundup” herbicide …

How To Make Four Thieves’ Vinegar And Oil

How To Make Four Thieves Vinegar And Oil. Image – Herban Lifestyle (with permission) “Four Thieves’ Vinegar” is an herbal preparation with a truly fascinating ancient history – and it appears to be making something of a comeback. It was …

Amazing Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Amazing Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. I’ve been researching the incredible Aloe Vera and discovering more reasons to love it than ever before. In particular, I discovered two fantastic “best …

How To Make A Fantastic Raised Bed Herb Garden

How To Make A Fantastic Raised Bed Herb Garden. Photo – (with permission) I just discovered this gem of a post on the Art and Appetite blog and quickly wrote to them for permission to share their image, which …

Top 20 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness. Ginger photo – © charlottelake – (under license) Note – as always – this is just background information, not medical advice or a recommendation to self-medicate. Pain may be an indicator of more serious issues and …