How To Make Fantastic Pure Fruit Ice Cubes

How To Make Fantastic Pure Fruit Ice Cubes
Image – Cheeky Kitchen

I discovered this amazing idea over at the Cheeky Kitchen blog and had to share! This is great fun, healthy (pure fruit!), super easy and will add a touch of pure, refreshing class to your drinks! This is a guaranteed pleaser for kids and adults alike. Why didn’t I think of this years ago?

You will need:

• Blender (although you could mash the fruit quite successfully in a bowl if you want to do it ‘low-tech’ style!)

• Ice cube trays

• Your favorite fruit

Put the desired fruit in the blender and either puree or blend for a shorter time in order to leave some chunks (notice how great this looks with berries, kiwi and other fruit). Pour the blended fruit into your ice cube trays, freeze and you’re done!

There’s nothing to stop you from mixing up the different fruit types, however for a variety of different colors such as the ones in the pic, you will want to blend up each fruit type separately. A good thing about this is that there is no wasted fruit – assuming you have enough ice trays and space for them in the freezer compartment. Simply pour in the fruit until you’ve used it all, then start on the next fruit!

Here are some fruit types you could use. Can you think of any more? Let us know how you get on in the comments!

• Kiwi fruit

Berries (blueberry, strawberry, blackberry etc)





• Lime





As to the drinks themselves – you could add these ice cubes to lemonades, cocktails or even to your “detox water” that you drink throughout the day…. enjoy!

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10 thoughts on “How To Make Fantastic Pure Fruit Ice Cubes

  1. This looks so easy! My daughter loves just about every fruit that she has tried so this would be fun to do! I like the ideas of fruit popsicles and in punch. Summer is approaching so this will give me some ideas for summer fun in the sun.

  2. I received a book from you Saturday, not sure how I got it but Thank you so much…

  3. These would be great to for when kids get sore throats. Rather then a popsicle full of corn syup

  4. I do these all the time either in iceblock size moulds with iceblock sticks or just as small cubes … there needs to be a certain water content to freeze i.e. passionfruit doesn’t freeze well. The pineapple can sometimes be a bit tart so add some honey ….

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