Healthy Juice Recipes

Healthy Juice Recipes
Healthy Juice Recipes. Graphic: © Image source – Unsplash (PD)

Allergy Reducer

⦁ Medium-sized carrot – 1
⦁ Large oranges – 2
⦁ Cucumber – ½
⦁ Mint leaves – a handful
⦁ Ginger root – ½ inch

Suffering from allergic reactions such as congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes? Consider this all-natural juice blend to alleviate your symptoms. Ingredients such as ginger and oranges have been scientifically shown to reduce allergic reactions. [1][2]

Reduce Blood Pressure

⦁ Grapefruit – 1/2
⦁ Celery stalks – 2
⦁ Cucumber – 1/2
⦁ Garlic – 1 clove
⦁ Fennel bulb – 1/4

Give this juice blend a try and drink your way out of high blood pressure. Several studies suggest that organic fruits and vegetables such as garlic, fennel, and celery help with hypertension. [3][4][5]

Metabolism Booster

⦁ Green apples – 2
⦁ Small cucumber – 1
⦁ Small beetroot – 1
⦁ Lemon – 1/4
⦁ Ginger – 1/2 inch

Boosting your metabolism allows your body to burn calories faster, reduce unwanted fat, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Each ingredient in this ‘metabolism booster’ juice blend (especially ginger and lemon) affects your metabolism profile. [6][7]

Immune System Booster

⦁ Apple – 1
⦁ Celery – 2 stalks
⦁ Kale – 2 stalks
⦁ Lemon – 1/2
⦁ Ginger root – 1/2 inch

One of the most obvious ways to improve our health is reinforcing the system responsible for fighting off harmful pathogens – i.e., the immune system. This juice is bursting with tons of minerals, vitamins, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds that strengthen your immunity.


⦁ Chard leaves – 4
⦁ Apples – 2
⦁ Cucumber – 1
⦁ Lemon – 1/2
⦁ Ginger – 1

Looking to rejuvenate your body naturally? This juice blend contains vitamin C, pectin, and other compounds that help your body detoxify. [8]

Thyroid Tonic

⦁ Carrots – 6
⦁ Cucumber – 1
⦁ Lemon – 1/2
⦁ Radish – 10

Contrary to popular opinion, carrots don’t give you the ability to see in the dark – but they can improve the health of your thyroid, courtesy of beta-carotene. Along with other potent ingredients, carrots can be used to make a thyroid tonic to improve your general wellbeing.

Please note that this content should never be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinicians.


[1] Kawamoto Y. et al. 2016. Prevention of allergic rhinitis by ginger and the molecular basis of immunosuppression by 6-gingerol through T cell inactivation.

[2] Ju-Hee Seo et al. 2012. Association of Antioxidants With Allergic Rhinitis in Children From Seoul

[3] Ashraf R. et al. 2013. Effects of Allium sativum (garlic) on systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.

[4] Nitrates found in green veg and beetroot help tackle high blood pressure

[5] Moghadam M. et al. 2013. Antihypertensive Effect of Celery Seed on Rat Blood Pressure in Chronic Administration

[6] Maharlouei N. et al. 2019. The effects of ginger intake on weight loss and metabolic profiles among overweight and obese subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

[7] How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally: 15 Proven Ways

[8] Eliaz I. et al. 2006. The effect of modified citrus pectin on urinary excretion of toxic elements.

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Healthy Juice Recipes
Graphic © Image source – Unsplash (PD)

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