Master List Of Tips For Dealing With Mosquito Problems

Graphic – Image sources – see foot of article Did you know what has caused more human deaths than anything else since the beginning of time? No, it’s not cancer, heart attacks or car accidents. It’s the mosquito. Mosquitos …

Top 10 Best Foods For The Brain

Graphic – Image sources – see foot of article Every bite of food you eat can affect your body. But, what about the effect food can have on the brain? It’s been established that foods that are rich in …

Hugging Is Good for You

Graphic © Hugs do more than feel good, they are now associated with surprising health benefits. Time for some hugs! Here are some of the health benefits of hugging: Lowers Blood Pressure: A study that involved 59 women, found …

Eat Less From A Box And More From The Earth

Graphic © This simple motto encapsulates the sentiments of the real food movement. In the modern era, pure food has once again become highly desirable – and is being chosen in preference to packaged ‘done for you’ factory-produced food …

Amazing Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Juice (Easy To Make!)

Graphic © Try making this awesome juice recipe! Here are the health benefits, as reported by the scientific studies at the foot of the article in the references section: Green Apples: Apples are a rich source of antioxidative polyphenolic …

6 Foods That Help Get Rid Of Parasites

Graphic © Coconut: Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that may help boost the immune system. Coconut oil has anti-parasitic activities as well as antifungal and antibacterial properties. A study has found the antiparasitic activity of coconut against P. falciparum, …

5 Key Health Benefits Of Turmeric And Curcumin

5 Key Health Benefits Of Turmeric And Curcumin.Graphic © Turmeric image – Simon A. Eugster (Wikipedia) lic. under CC3.0 Turmeric, also called Indian Saffron or golden spice, is a bright yellow colored spice that is most commonly used in …

6 Of The Best Anti-Aging Foods

6 Of The Best Anti-Aging Foods. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. 1. Lemon: Lemons are high in vitamin C, polyphenols, and citric acid – substances that may help reduce the signs of aging. Vitamin C …

Health Benefits Of Strawberries

Graphic © 1. Boosts Immunity: Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C; both of these substances are excellent for fighting free radicals. [1] Vitamin C is well established by science to boost the immune system. [2] 2. Regulates …

Uses And Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Graphic © Here is a list of some of the astonishing array of benefits of coconut oil, as reported by scientific studies. Antibacterial And Antifungal Effects: Coconut oil has antibacterial properties. A study has found that coconut oil stopped …