How To Replace 18 Household Products With Castile Soap

How To Replace 18 Household Products With Castile Soap
How To Replace 18 Household Products With Castile Soap. Image (with permission) –

Castile soap is a natural product made from vegetable oils – and as you are about to see, is incredibly versatile.

We’ve discovered a fantastic post which not only lists 18 of the most common household products and how to eliminate them by using castile soap, but the writer has also tested and reviewed most of the methods… pretty impressive.

We’d like to add an eco-tip to this post: Back in the day, Castile soap was originally made with pure olive oil, but nowadays is also being made using other vegetable oils such as coconut oil or palm oil. So it’s best to check the source of your soap – as not all vegetable oils are eco-friendly. For example, palm oil has come under very severe criticism for deforestation, wildlife habitats and a number of other reasons. [1]

Ok here is the link (archive version) to the original list and full tutorial:

What steps are you taking to eliminate chemical products from your life? Got any other tips? Please let us know on our Facebook page or in the comments. ๐Ÿ™‚

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The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

By Mike Westerdal CPT

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13 thoughts on “How To Replace 18 Household Products With Castile Soap

  1. Hi! I am so enjoying your blog about this, but tell what you use to “wipe” with for the homemade baby wipes. I carry baby wipes everywhere! I’m a teacher so I keep a package at school. I keep a package in the car. I keep a package in each bathroom!
    I have skin lupus and have a terrible time with my skin. How could I make the “wipe” part? Paper towels? Wash cloths?

  2. Dr. Bronner’s peppermint castile soap wont eat your clothes? Also, will it prevent from your washer getting rust on your clothes? Also need the clothes to be sparkly clean for work, no spots no smears left on them after using Dr. Bronner’s. Would I also be able to use unscented?
    Thank you,
    Roseann Sorrentino

  3. Help!! I am plagued with hard water stains in my toilet. We have a well and septic and I really don’t want to resort to bleach. I make all my own cleaners and usually use the basic vinegar and baking soda but thats just not cutting it, no pun intended ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Got any good ideas.
    Thank you Cathy

  4. Cathy-we have hard water too. I removed water from toilet bowl and filled the bowl with straight vinegar let sit overnight.Works great.

  5. I am plagued by hard water in the toilet like the above Cathy What can I use done the vinegar and baking soda too Thanks for helping

    When my daughter used permanent marker on her dry-erase board I found that rubbing baking soda sprayed with a little vinegar & h2o mix wiped it totally clean (even on the cork board side, too).
    I’d turn off water to toilet, flush out remaining water and make a paste with baking soda & vinegar (lemon juice too) to rub inside bowl. This way you don’t use up all your vinegar.

  7. I have started using henna to colour my hair instead of chemical dyes. My hair is now in the best condition it’s been in for years. I’ll never use chemical dyes again!

  8. Cathy, Carole, and Patty, I read elsewhere that to help prevent hard water stains, etc., making it possible to wait longer between cleanings, you can put a coat of wax in the toilet bowl, your sinks, faucets, etc., kind of like Turtle wax for vehicles. Of course, you’d have to turn the water off behind the toilet or make the float stay up in the tank before putting the wax coat on.

  9. I have used Dr. Bronners soap in the past and although I love the idea of using a natural and non-toxic soap, I find that it really dries my skin out, leaving it white and flaky.

  10. I use Dr. Bronner’s soap in the shower. I have tried washing my hair with it, but it leaves my hair limp and dry.

  11. I found information regarding Dr Woods soaps: first, they use other ingredients that might not be so healthy. Were you aware that in some cases, vitamin E is made from GMO corn? Look it up. Try searching ingredients made from corn….Surprise! NOT the good kind!
    They also add coloring, unless you think caramel is really important for your soap to contain…. BTW: it is also an ingredient that may be from GMO corn!!!!
    So…. Iโ€™ll stick with Dr Bronnerโ€™s, who does NOT add anything unnecessary to their soaps at ALL.

  12. You all may be using too much Dr. Bronner’s soap on your hair. Bronner’s is VERY concentrated. Cut down on the amount and add lots of water. Dilute, dilute, dilute. – I’ve used Bronner’s soap for at least 35 yrs. or longer.

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