Top 7 Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Graphic © Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that afflicts any structure of the urinary tract, a system consisting of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra responsible for producing, storing, and eventually eliminating urine – one of the …

The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally

The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally. Grahpic © Image – © AdobeStock 53267751 (under license) Our teeth start their life white as snow but they are exposed repeatedly to different staining elements. For example every …

Top 8 Home Remedies for Dandruff

Top 8 Home Remedies for Dandruff. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. Dandruff is a common scalp condition wherein the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp happens in an unusually large amount. Those people …

Tea Ailment Cheat Sheet

Graphic: © Image source – Pixabay (PD). 1. Green Tea: Green tea is at the top of the list of healthy drinks thanks to its antioxidant properties. Recently, its active constituent – catechin – has been shown to slightly …

25 Unusual Uses For Baking Soda

Unusual Uses For Baking Soda. Graphic: © background photo – Pixabay (PD). As plain as it looks, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is actually a versatile compound with tons of possible uses. The inexpensive household staple is typically used for …

Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. While western medicine has come a long way, traditional (natural) alternatives are still potent remedies for numerous conditions affecting the body. Some of these conditions are: 1. Asthma …

7 Things To Do When You Have A Headache

7 Things To Do When You Have A Headache. Graphic © Images source – Pixabay (PD). 1. Drink Water: The importance of water in the human body cannot be understated. Dehydration has been proven to be among the most …

How Soap Kills The Coronavirus

Plain old soap and water absolutely annihilate coronavirus. You’ve been told a thousand times: wash your hands to stop the spread of COVID-19. But why does this work so well? It has to do with the way the soap molecules …

10 Insane / Weird Home Remedies You Probably Never Knew About

10 Weird Home Remedies You Probably Never Knew About. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article These easy and surprising natural remedies could save you from spending on pricey modern medicines… just don’t get caught by your …

How To Make Fire Cider – A Potent Cold & Flu Remedy

Image – We just discovered a super tutorial over at for how to make your own fire cider. If it sounds like just a warm drink for a cold winter’s night, think again: It’s actually an infusion based …

Fizzy Toilet Freshener Bombs DIY

Image – We discovered a great tutorial for how to make your own “fizzy cleaning toilet bombs”! I have to say, this has immediate appeal as anything that diminishes scrubbing the bowl gets my vote. As an added bonus …

Make Your Own “Breathe Jar” For Sinus Congestion

Image – If you have used OTC nasal sprays for decongestion, you might be interested in this. This “Breathe Jar” is an alternative that utilizes nothing but pure essential oils. Something here really caught my eye: It’s interesting to …