6 Simple Remedies To Stop Snoring Permanently

image 1 – Engin_Akyurt ; image 2 – TeroVesalainen – fotolia.com Long considered as a nuisance, especially by others who share the room, snoring occurs when your breathing becomes obstructed during sleep. However, snoring is not just a harmless noise …

5 Exercises To Undo The Spinal Damage Caused By Sitting

Photo © Sebastian Kaulitzki – fotolia.com According to a study published in the January 2015 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, more than half of the average person’s waking hours [1] are spent on activities that require sitting – …

Science: Fish Eaters Experience Less Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Photo – cattalin – pixabay.com If you regularly get some fish in your diet, you may have a lower relative risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, a new study says. According to the study, the pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid …

High-Intensity Exercise May Be Bad For The Bowels

Photo – tacofleur – pixabay.com Exercise is a mainstay for anyone who wants to be healthy. Unfortunately, like many things in life, everything must be done in moderation since you really can have too much of a good thing. According …

Dirt Is GOOD – Why Children Need More Exposure To Germs

Photo – AntonioEsposito – pixabay.com Parents of today’s millennial generation may have made a big mistake that comes under the general moniker overparenting. Micromanaging your kids’ living environment is now thought to be a potential a burden to them – …

Could Shift Work Damage Your DNA?

Photo – kreativwebmarketing – pixabay.com Aside from the damage night shift work does to your sleep cycle, a study published in 2017 by Bhatti, et. al. has also shown that it could also cause oxidative damage to your DNA. Lack …

Compound In Strawberries Found To Be A Key To Good Memory

Photo – mali maeder – pexels.com Diet-derived antioxidants continue to be investigated for their health-promoting effects, including protection of the human brain from age-related damage and improvement of memory. A recent study published in The Journals of Gerontology Series A …

Can Sitting Cancel Out The Benefits Of Exercise?

Photo – StartupStockPhotos – pixabay.com Recent research continues to reaffirm the unhealthy effects of sitting – which can overwhelm any benefits that exercise might have. According to one study, the benefits of exercise can be blunted if you spend the …

Breakthrough Studies May Finally Explain Why We Sleep

Photo – Stine Moe Engelsrud – snapwiresnaps.tumblr.com Sleep is an essential physiological process for humans and other animals. We spend a third of our lives sleeping and there are serious health consequences to sleep deprivation. However, science was somewhat in …

Andropause: Male Menopause – Symptoms, Causes And Remedies

Andropause Facts. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a condition associated with low levels of testosterone and clinical symptoms that are mostly sexual in nature. Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for muscle mass, deep voice, …

Amazing Uses Of Banana Peel

Photo – PublicDomainPictures – pixabay.com In the U.S. alone, 3.2 billion pounds of bananas are consumed every year, according to 2014 data from educational outreach and environmental advocacy group Sustainable America. Americans eat 304 pieces of the fruit every second, …