Are Whole Eggs Or Egg Whites Better For You?

image – pixabay (PD) Many people (and even restaurants) claim that egg whites are the healthiest part of the egg, thereby tossing out the egg yolk. They believe that the egg yolk contains all the bad cholesterol that’s harmful to …

Health Benefits Of Fasting

image © 5second – The practice of fasting is most commonly associated with Ramadan, when Muslims all over the world observe a month of abstaining from food and drinks from dawn until dusk. But regardless of faith and belief, …

After I Saw This Video, My Avocados Never Turned Brown Again

image – You love avocado and all the delicious food that you can make with it, but you hate how the sliced half that you store in the fridge turns brown and dry. You know it’s true. The brown …

List Of 10 Foods Considered Helpful To Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

List Of 10 Foods Considered Helpful To Fight Alzheimer’s DiseaseGraphic © Image sources: CC3 – see foot of page Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common health conditions to hit members of the older population. While Alzheimer’s disease …

Monsanto Is Suing California For Stating That Roundup Causes Cancer

image © Tom Grundy – Monsanto Company, a multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation, recently filed a lawsuit against California’s Office of Environmental and Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and its acting director, Lauren Zeise, to prevent them from listing …

Study Finds Lack Of Sleep May Lead To Brain Shrinkage

image © Triff – Getting little sleep or “pulling all-nighters” may actually be normal for some people due to work, school or just a raging party lifestyle. People think that they can accomplish more activities whenever they do an …

This Chicken Farmer Used Oregano Instead Of Antibiotics

image © kharhan – The excessive use of antibiotics to kill pathogens that target chickens has backfired on us: A report from the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention has said that bacteria are becoming completely resistant to commonly-used …