image sources – pixabay (PD)
In almost every kitchen pantry in the world you will find canned food and bottled water. These have become a ubiquitous because of convenience – canned food only needs reheating, and bottled water saves you the task of purifying tap water to ensure its safety.
Aside from the enormous environmental problem caused by plastic waste, recent studies have further confirmed that bisphenol A (BPA), which is a synthetic estrogen found in the epoxy coatings of food cans and water bottles, has been linked to many health problems. [1] Two of the most common ones are obesity and unhealthy weight gain.
Can we ban plastic food containers yet?
What Is BPA And How Does It Lead To Excess Abdominal Fat?
As mentioned before, Bisphenol A or BPA is a xenoestrogen (synthetic estrogen) compound which is used to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA is made into a variety of consumer goods such as water bottles, and BPA-containing epoxy resin is used to coat the inside of food cans. [2]
Even low doses of xenoestrogens have been reported to be associated to many health problems such as cancer, diabetes, fertility problems, and endocrine disruption. [2][3] When exposed from low to high doses, xenoestrogen also triggers the formation of growth and fat cells, two factors that cause obesity. [4]
While food companies may claim that their packaging is BPA-free, consumers have no reliable way of knowing if this is truthful. The Environmental Work Group (EWG) analyzed canned food brands and put together a list of BPA-based packaging and those which are BPA-free. [1]
5 Ways To Minimize Your Exposure To Toxic BPA
It’s quite difficult to completely forego the purchase of canned food and bottled water, but there are ways to minimize your BPA exposure and reduce the risks of health complications. [3]
1. Choose fresh food. Instead of resorting to canned food, buy fresh ingredients and prepare them yourself. It’s healthier this way because you know exactly what goes into your food.
2. Look for BPA-free products. If you really have to buy canned food and bottled water, choose those with the label ‘BPA-free’ in their packaging. The same goes for plastic wraps and plastic containers. Note however that some use an alternative – BPS – that may not actually be much better.
3. Buy food in glass containers. Glass containers are considered non-toxic for food use since they do not leach chemicals – and can also be washed and reused multiple times.
4. Never microwave plastic. Even if it says ‘microwave safe’, it can still leach chemicals into your food. Don’t use plastics for hot liquids such as tea and coffee as this can also accelerate the leaching of BPA.
5. Avoid soda in cans. According to an analysis by the EWG, 42% of soda cans contain BPA. If possible, avoid buying soda at all.
Read full report from Mike Geary: Do Canned Food And Bottled Water Increase Abdominal Fat?
[1] Geller, S., Lunder, S. 2015. BPA In Canned Food.
[2] Bisphenol A.
[3] Geary, M. Does Canned Food and Bottled Water Increase Your Abdominal Fat Through Hidden Chemicals?
[4] Masuno, H. et al. 2002. Bisphenol A In Combination With Insulin Can Accelerate The Conversion of 3T3-L1 Fibroblasts To Adipocytes.
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Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?
This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)
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Is it...
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