Top 10 Best Foods For The Brain

Graphic – Image sources – see foot of article Every bite of food you eat can affect your body. But, what about the effect food can have on the brain? It’s been established that foods that are rich in …

4 Dangerous Toxins To The BRAIN

Graphic © In the modern era it is more important than ever to understand and take positive action to minimize your exposure to pollutants. Here we illustrate four toxins with references to scientific studies reporting the health concerns associated …

Top 10 Supplements To Improve Your Brain

Top 10 Supplements To Improve Your Brain. Graphic © Image © (under license) How do you like the idea of “improving your memory, your mindset, your mood, so you can be happier, so you can think sharper, have …

How The Bacteria In Our Gut Influence Our Minds

Graphic © Image © (under license) Can’t focus? Feeling anxious or depressed? Easily stressed? It turns out the common phrases, “butterflies in the stomach” and “having a gut feeling,” have scientific truths. Researchers have discovered complex bidirectional communication …

Working On Puzzles Can Help Your Brain Feel 10 Years Younger

Image © (under license) As we grow older, we find that forgetting things becomes more commonplace. It starts off pretty small, like forgetting where you put your keys or the television remote control. However, these bouts of forgetfulness can …

11 Ways To Increase The Serotonin In Your Brain

Graphic: © Serotonin is a chemical produced by the brain – as a soothing neurotransmitter. Similar to endorphins and dopamine, it contributes to a feeling of happiness. It is important in facilitating a ‘good’ mood, proper deep sleep, and …

7 Brain Boosting Nutrients

7 Brain Boosting Nutrients. Graphic: © Brian image – Pixabay (PD). The brain is the most complex and important organ. With this in mind, it’s vital to promote its optimal functioning by eating high-quality foods with the right nutrients. …

How Alcohol Attacks The Brain

How Alcohol Attacks The Brain. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 45007360 (under license) In low doses, say a few beers or a few shots of liquor, alcohol is a mild depressant. It causes relaxation and in others, even euphoria …

7 Top Tips To Fight Brain Aging

7 Top Tips To Fight Brain Aging. Graphic © Photo © Shutterstock 115798375 (under license) If the brain is damaged, the rest of the body cannot function properly; creating problems in breathing, circulation, and digestion, to name a few. …

5 Herbs That Improve Memory

5 Herbs That Improve Memory. Image – We discovered a great list of herbs that improve memory, courtesy of your friends over at Nature Hacks. In the ancient tradition of herbalism, there are numerous reports from the old writers …

32 Amazing Tips To Improve Your Memory

32 Amazing Tips To Improve Your Memory. Graphic © Gingko photo – Pixabay (PD). “Spheres of the mind” illustration – Robert Fludd (PD). I first became really interested in the mysteries of memory many years ago, when I learned …