Health Benefits Of Herbs And Spices

Graphic © Here are 7 of the world’s best known herbs and spices, with a few of their noted health benefits according to scientific research: Cinnamon: Cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels by imitating insulin function and increasing glucose …

16 Healing Herbs and Spices

Graphic: © Image sources – see foot of article. Cooking with spices and herbs is a win-win situation. You get to improve the flavor of your dishes, add depth to your serving, and enjoy the wonderful health benefits. With …

Mega List Of 30 Herbs Found Beneficial For High Blood Pressure

Mega List Of 30 Herbs Found Beneficial For High Blood Pressure. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article Hypertension (HTN), aka high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition that has been associated with a high-salt diet, …

5 Herbs That Improve Memory

5 Herbs That Improve Memory. Image – We discovered a great list of herbs that improve memory, courtesy of your friends over at Nature Hacks. In the ancient tradition of herbalism, there are numerous reports from the old writers …

60 Herbs And Their Amazing Uses

60 Herbs And Their Amazing Uses. Image – Nature Hacks (with permission) Here’s a great list of 60 herbs that we discovered over at our friends Nature Hacks. The list contains 60 of the most popular, well-known herbs and a …

List Of 40+ Herbs And Home Remedies For Pain

List Of 40+ Herbs And Home Remedies For Pain. Human pic © psdesign1 – Herbs pic © Elena Moiseeva – (under license) If you’ve been driven crazy by chronic or acute pain – who hasn’t? – you’ll do …

5 Herbs That Boost Blood Flow

5 Herbs That Boost Blood Flow. Image © (with permission) Heart disease is a silent killer that has claimed more lives than all forms of cancer combined, not just in the United States but in the whole world. It …

How To Grow Your Own Lavender

Photos – © visuall2, Anna-Mari West, Carly Hennigan – Lavender is a very popular evergreen herb that is native to the Mediterranean, South-western Europe and neighbouring parts of Africa and Asia. It has been in use for millennia as …

How To Make Pine Needle Tea

Image – We discovered a great tutorial for making pine needle tea, an incredibly healthy beverage that contains 4-5 times the Vitamin C of an orange! This easy, step-by-step tutorial is all you need to make this healthy, refreshing …

Harvesting And Using Dandelion Roots

Harvesting And Using Dandelion Roots. Image – (with permission) We discovered a fantastic page over at Common Sense Home that gives a tutorial on how to harvest and use dandelion roots. The link follows after our introduction to the …