Top 10 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

Top 10 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home. Graphic © Photo – cheetah100 – lic. under CC 2.0 Ahh, spiders! Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) is probably one of the most common phobias. I even have it …

50+ Natural Ways To Keep Insects Out Of Your Home

50+ Natural Ways To Keep Insects Out Of Your Home. Graphic © – russavia (Wikipedia) lic. under CC 2.0 We just found a great “mother ship” type list with a ton of natural / non-toxic ways to repel / …

25 Ways To Clean Naturally With Salt

25 Ways To Clean Naturally With Salt. Photo – © Quade – (under license) We’ve featured a few posts about cleaners using simple, natural and readily available ingredients – and here’s another for your list: Salt. What’s perhaps most …

How To Make All-Natural Mascara And Eyeliner

Photo – © Paul Hakimata – (under license) Ahhh, eye makeup! A glorious thing, in the opinion of many (including myself) 😉 And yet, a subtle evil lurks within – and we learn that as with so many things, …

5 Natural Ways To Remove Rust

Image – Rust is the oxide of iron and is produced when iron is exposed to air (oxygen) and moisture (or acids). Pure iron is unstable – and given enough time it will eventually turn completely to rust, which …

Natural Ways To Keep Fleas Out Of Your Home

How To Naturally Keep Fleas Out Of Your Home. Graphic © Flea Illustration – Hooke (PD) Fleas, as pestilent as they are, are actually fascinating creatures. One of their best known “super powers” is their ability to jump hundreds …

28 Natural Ways To Detox Your Body

28 Natural Ways To Detox Your Body. Graphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD). Here’s another discovery that we just made on the subject of detoxing – courtesy of our friends over at Health Wholeness. It’s a great page – …

26 Plants That Repel Mosquitos

26 Plants That Repel Mosquitos. Graphic © Background Photo – Wikimedia (public domain) First of all, here’s an astonishing bit of trivia: Did you know that the mosquito has caused more human deaths than any other cause since the …

15 Weird But Amazing Uses For Chocolate

15 Weird But Amazing Uses For Chocolate. Graphic © Photo © photocrew – (under license) Ahh, chocolate! Arguably one of the greatest things in the known universe, it is possibly one of the most popular and widely-enjoyed foods …

How To Make Your Own Fabric Softener Crystals

How To Make Your Own Fabric Softener Crystals. Image – (with permission) Our latest discovery is an “outrageously simple” home-made alternative – fabric softener crystals. This product is typically added to laundry powder at the start of the wash …

20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Wine

Photo – © umbertoleporini – (under license) Welcome to the next in the “weird but amazing” series. Today, it’s wine – and I bring good news for wine lovers! There are those who, reading my blog of late, will …

20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Milk

Photo © Nitr – (under license) Today’s post in the “weird but amazing” series is on that cornerstone material in the diet of millions, milk. Now I personally don’t drink the stuff these days (allergy), but must have consumed …