9 Things You Can Do To Reduce Dementia Risk

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Source image © shutterstock.com (under license) Aging is humanity’s greatest fear. Take my word for it; in recent years, we have seen various medical advancements made in order to prolong human life, from high-end drugs to innovative …

Top 10 Healthiest Foods

Top 10 Healthiest Foods. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources – see foot of article. Fermented Vegetables: Fermented vegetables have a high amount of probiotic bacteria, so by consuming fermented vegetables you can increase beneficial bacteria in your intestinal flora, improving …

Top 17 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bedbugs

Top 17 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bedbugs. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Bedbug photo via Wikipedia (PD) What Are Bedbugs? The ancient bedtime verse “sleep tight, and don’t let the bugs bite” may, in reality, be hitting the bull’s eye …

Top Five Recycling Stats

Top Five Recycling Stats. Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Small images – Pixabay (PD). It’s about time we take recycling more seriously – i.e. if we plan to ensure the sustainability of our planet. Observing proper recycling practices allows us to conserve …

7 Science-Supported Ways To Boost Your Happiness

7 Science-Supported Ways To Boost Your Happiness. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Cat pic – Pixabay (PD) People in the USA alone spend an average of $550 million on self-help books and $1 billion on motivational speakers in a year, with the …

Ultra Simple Trick To Prevent Moldy Berries

Image – © Markus Mainka – Fotolia.com (under license) You know the scenario: You bought some delicious raspberries a day or two ago and you’re super excited to eat them… so you get them out of the fridge and to …

How To Grow Your Own Blueberries

How To Grow Your Own Blueberries. Image – Commonsensehome.com (with permission) We’ve discovered an awesome tutorial for growing your own blueberries! The link follows after our introduction to the topic. Blueberries are renowned for their health benefits – they are …

5 Natural Ways To Help Hair Grow Faster

Image – WellnessMama.com (with permission) Did you know that the condition of hair and skin can be a great indicator for the overall health of the body? It follows naturally from this that one of the best ways to improve …

8 Easy Ways To Prevent Apple & Pear Slices From Browning

Photo – TheYummyLife.com (with permission) Our friends over at The Yummy Life have posted a great page all about how to prevent the browning of apples and pears! Apples and pears oxidize and turn brown quite quickly after they’re sliced …

37 Amazing Uses For Corn Starch

Image (with permission) – DiYHomeWorld.com Corn starch is a very fine white powder and is one of the most versatile natural substances out there. It is inexpensive and well worth the investment of a few minutes to learn about! Up …

Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps

Photo – böhringer friedrich (Wikipedia) lic. under CC 2.5 Wasps are actually very beneficial insects in some ways – for example they hunt all manner of other insects, keeping their numbers down. Certain varieties of wasp are deliberately introduced in …