13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again

13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again
13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again. Image – CommonSenseHome.com (with permission)

We found an awesome page full of home-made bread recipes, courtesy of our friends over at Common Sense Homesteading.

If you have never made your own bread – you should give it a go! Not only is making bread a quintessential “off grid skill”, there’s nothing quite like the aroma and taste of bread when it is super-fresh from the oven. These 13 recipes will keep you ‘spoilt for choice’ with all the variety you need to persuade you to skip the store and stay home on the ranch. 😉

Another thing about making your own bread – that is actually pretty important from a health point of view – is that you get to control exactly what goes into it. This might turn out to be a big deal in the modern age of weird additives sneaking their way into food. Why wait for the “powers that be” to get round to banning some weird chemical after we have all been guinea pigs? They only ever seem to do so after the damage has been done… for example Azodicarbonamide, known by the E number E927, is considered a respiratory sensitizer and has been banned in the EU – but is still in use in the USA as a flour additive!

Other breads on the shelves can include canola oil or various other artificial additives – and of course good ole’ GMO flour, which should be avoided if you choose organic flour.

So I say, better not to chance it. Bake your own and put in “good stuff only”… 🙂 One more tip – why not bake a large batch of loaves and then freeze them for use whenever you are ready?

Ok here is the link to the full recipes and tutorial:

13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again
Check out also this amazing healthy bread tutorial with even more super bread recipes!

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The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

By Mike Westerdal CPT

Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?

This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)

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Is it...

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c) Glutes

d) Hip Flexors

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