Amazing Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Juice (Easy To Make!)

Graphic © Try making this awesome juice recipe! Here are the health benefits, as reported by the scientific studies at the foot of the article in the references section: Green Apples: Apples are a rich source of antioxidative polyphenolic …

Amazing Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe

Amazing Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe. Graphic © Photos – Pixabay, (PD) This amazing ‘all-natural’ recipe shows that you can have the decadence without the harm of sugar or artificial ingredients. And now for the health benefits according to …

6 Foods That Help Get Rid Of Parasites

Graphic © Coconut: Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that may help boost the immune system. Coconut oil has anti-parasitic activities as well as antifungal and antibacterial properties. A study has found the antiparasitic activity of coconut against P. falciparum, …

4 Dangerous Toxins To The BRAIN

Graphic © In the modern era it is more important than ever to understand and take positive action to minimize your exposure to pollutants. Here we illustrate four toxins with references to scientific studies reporting the health concerns associated …

4 Things You Can Do To Help The Monarchs

Graphic © Monarch butterflies have experienced heavy population losses through a combination of causes. Here are some simple things that you can do. 1. Plant Milkweed (And Other “Butterfly Plants”): To ensure the population viability of monarchs, the best …

5 Key Health Benefits Of Turmeric And Curcumin

5 Key Health Benefits Of Turmeric And Curcumin.Graphic © Turmeric image – Simon A. Eugster (Wikipedia) lic. under CC3.0 Turmeric, also called Indian Saffron or golden spice, is a bright yellow colored spice that is most commonly used in …

6 Of The Best Anti-Aging Foods

6 Of The Best Anti-Aging Foods. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. 1. Lemon: Lemons are high in vitamin C, polyphenols, and citric acid – substances that may help reduce the signs of aging. Vitamin C …

Health Benefits Of Strawberries

Graphic © 1. Boosts Immunity: Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C; both of these substances are excellent for fighting free radicals. [1] Vitamin C is well established by science to boost the immune system. [2] 2. Regulates …

9 Foods That You Should Never Eat

Graphic © Background images – Shutterstock (under license), Pixabay (PD) 1. Canned Tomatoes: The metal cans used for canned food are typically lined with a layer of plastic to prevent the metals interacting with the food – however the …

16 oz Of Honey Requires 1152 Bees To Travel 112,000 Miles

Graphic © The astonishing labour given by bees to create a jar’s worth of honey is illustrated by the above. But honey is far more than sweetness. It is also considered to be the food with the world’s longest …

Uses And Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Wikipedia – lic. under CC BY-SA 3.0 Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation helps the body fight off infectious agents but when it persists for a longer period it harms the body. Curcumin a compound found in turmeric has tremendous anti-inflammatory properties that are …