Top 11 Natural Painkillers

Top 11 Natural Painkillers. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. A list of 11 natural foods with science-supported pain reduction effects: 1. Horseradish for Sinuses: Its high levels of sulfur create an antibiotic effect, and this …

Uses Of Chia Seeds

Uses Of Chia Seeds. Graphic © Image source – Pixabay (PD). Legend has it that chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) were used by ancient Aztec warriors to boost their endurance. They were a dietary staple in ancient history – and …

Uses Of Garlic

Uses Of Garlic. Graphic © Background images – Pixabay (PD). Garlic is an aromatic culinary ingredient with a surprisingly wide range of touted health benefit. They say an apple a day keep the doctor – but we say a …

Your Body After You Stop Smoking

Graphic: © Image source – Pixabay (PD). Smoking is a psychological habit and physical addiction. Most ex-smokers claim that overcoming their nicotine addiction was one of the hardest things in their lives. If you’re among the millions of people …

Top Five Recycling Stats

Top Five Recycling Stats. Graphic: © Small images – Pixabay (PD). It’s about time we take recycling more seriously – i.e. if we plan to ensure the sustainability of our planet. Observing proper recycling practices allows us to conserve …

Top 10 Trash Found In The World’s Oceans

Top 10 Trash Found In The World’s Oceans. Graphic © In one of its “International Coastal Cleanup (ICC)” reports, the Ocean Conservancy compiled a top 10 list of litter collected in waterways and beaches around the world. [1] 1. …

One Year In American Junk Mail

Graphic © Images source – Pixabay (PD). Did you know that the average American spends nearly 1 year of his/her life sorting through junk mail? [1] We are all familiar with the annoying feeling of dealing with coupon packets, …

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Health Benefits Of Green Tea Graphic © Green tea photo – Pixabay (PD). Green tea is an ancient drink used in India and China for its potent medicinal properties. As more and more people pay attention to the benefits …

How Much Sleep Is Enough?

Graphic: © Image source – Pixabay (PD). Sleep is more than just a time when our body and mind shut down. It’s an active period of restoration, consolidation of memory, and strengthening. But what’s the risk of sacrificing a …

Is Your Deodorant Toxic?

Graphic: © Image source – Wikipedia – lic. under CC 3.0 Would you swallow a spoonful of toxic ingredients? Of course not! So why does it seem okay to smear the same toxic compounds on your underarms every day …

Miracle Red Juice

Graphic: © Image © vrozhko – (under license) What do you get when you take some of nature’s most nutritious ingredients and dump them in a juicer? Easy, a kick-ass drink swelling with potent health benefits! Nicknamed the …

The Healthiest Foods On The Planet

Graphic: © Image sources – see foot of article. Here is a “top 16” of foods that are widely regarded to be abong the very best you could eat. How many of these are you eating? 1. Lemon and …