How To Get Rid Of Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar

How To Get Rid Of Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar. Photo – (with permission) Today’s “amazing discovery” was a post by trained herbalist / nutritionist Todd Caldecott about how he completely got rid of an unsightly mole on his …

13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again

13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again. Image – (with permission) We found an awesome page full of home-made bread recipes, courtesy of our friends over at Common Sense Homesteading. If you have never made your own …

The Top 10 Healthiest Seeds On Earth

The Top 10 Healthiest Seeds On Earth. Graphic © Seed photos © AdobeStock 19850856, 42750823, 49942028, 51422292, 55485135, 55658478, 56910850, 57696570, 60022685, 60444942 (under license) Our friends over at Prevent Disease put together an amazing “must-read” article about the …

The Shocking Ingredients In Your Beer

Image – (reposted with written permission) Did you know that in the USA and other countries, the ingredients in beer are not required by law to be listed anywhere on the label?? Beer is regulated by The Department of …

12 Home Remedies For Coughs

12 Home Remedies For Coughs. Photo – (with permission) We found an awesome list of home remedies for coughs, courtesy of our friends over at Common Sense Homesteading. As many people know, over-the-counter cough remedies often contain drugs that …

Top 10 Simple Home Remedies For Cracked Heels

10 Simple Home Remedies For Cracked Heels. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 37751667 (under license) Cracked heels are an annoying condition that is caused by dryness affecting the thickened skin of heels. We found a great page with 10 …

Warning: Shocking Toxic Chemicals Found In Teas

Photo – © UPDATE: Many people wanted to see “which brands”: We linked to the Glaucus Research report that tears Teavana a new one, we linked (end of the article) to Food Babe’s article which includes a complete chart …

Scientists Discover Amazing Anti-Cancer Effects Of Pumpkin!

Photo – © Garry L. – (under license) Amazing reports to share from the world of science today: Scientists in China have recently discovered that cucurmosin, a substance extracted from the sarcocarp (fleshy part) of pumpkin, had a strong …

“At Home Flu Shots”

At Home Flu Shots. Image (with kind permission) – Here’s an amazing discovery we just made of some fantastic healthy drinks with the playful name of “At Home Flu Shots”, poking a little fun at the wonky world of …