31 Amazing Uses For Lemon Peel

31 Amazing uses For Lemon Peel
31 Amazing Uses For Lemon Peel Grapnic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background image – © AdobeStock #40532527 (under license)

If you have been following this blog for a while, you will know that we are not only fans of herbalism, but of finding great uses for things that normally get cast aside. Yesterday we featured the mighty banana skin, which has potential skin care benefits galore. We’ve also cast a similar halo around used green tea bags. Today, it is the turn of the humble lemon peel to take center stage.

It can’t be denied that lemon is a great fruit for both culinary and medicinal use. It has graced innumerable recipes. For medicinal purposes, too, it can be of value and we have a full page all about the many benefits of lemon essential oil that have been discovered.

What’s astonishing is that most people throw away the peel without any idea of its potential. It is highly nutritious and can be used in numerous food recipes. Lemon peel can also be used as cleaner. Dirty stoves and silverware? Don’t worry about these because you now have a new alternative product that is free from chemicals and health hazards. You can also get rid of ants and the bad odor from the trashcan by using it.

There’s more – you can also beautify using lemon peel. From skin brightening rub and elbow skin softener to nail whitener… the usefulness goes on and on. Firelighters? Copper polish? I’ll bet there are several you had not heard of!

Here, then, is the link to the full list of 31 ways to use lemon peel:


If you can think of any more, please let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page!

ps. Why not grow a lemon tree from seed?

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7 thoughts on “31 Amazing Uses For Lemon Peel

  1. 2 fresh lemon juice, 2 fresh grap fruits juice with 1 tea spoon Olive oil flush the Liver. If you drink weekly 1 times
    You never have Liver problem.

  2. I love to read and learn about natural remedies. Tell me more about the lemons. Thank you

  3. I swear by the medicinal uses of lemons. I am winning the battle against being chronic neurologically affected lymes disease sufferer.the lemon rind is the only thing I have found to breakdown the bacterial biotin that cocoons your body due to long term undiagnosed lymes disease. My chronic arthritis, brain fog, skin rashes and sores are finally diminishing . I say eat Em drink Em and bath in Em. .. lemons saved my miserable existence of a life due to no cure or medical help for a truly horrible bug bite!!

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