5 Herbs That Repel Flies

5 Herbs That Repel Flies
Image – Naturehacks.com (with permission)

Flies are definitely one of the most annoying pests you can have at home. They are irritating and the worst thing is, they could bring diseases to your kids and the entire family because of the germs they bring along. When this situation occurs, the typical solution is either to splat them against the wall or to rush through the store and find a pesticide.

But do you really want to spray toxic chemicals where you can breathe them? You probably have realized that chemical-based insect repellents and insecticides contain substances that could bring adverse effects to the body, especially to the skin and the respiratory system of the body.

We’ve recently discovered a post that describes five herbs that could be of help in warding off insects, especially flies. If you are constantly plagued with flies, then you could plant basil, bay, lavender, tansy and pennyroyal at home. You can then collect the leaves / sprigs and utilize them to make your own insect repellants – without the use of nasty chemicals. The herbs also have numerous other uses.

Often used in cooking, basil is reported to be useful in driving away flies. It is also said to work on mosquitoes and bugs. Bay leaves are claimed to have the ability to keep insects away. Bay has been used to repel moth, weevils, ants, cockroaches and flies away from the pantry.

Tansy is a wonder herb that doesn’t just work on flies. It can also be used to ward off mice, moths, fleas, and ants. On the other hand, pennyroyal is one of the ingredients found in insect repelling products today. Coming from the mint family, pennyroyal can be useful in repelling ticks, mosquitoes, gnats, fleas, ants, chiggers and flies.

Note – Neither pennyroyal not tansy should not be taken internally, also pennyroyal is toxic, should not be used if pregnant and needs handling with gloves.

Here is the link to the original article with more info:


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16 thoughts on “5 Herbs That Repel Flies

  1. good discovery. grt.

    are these plants available in india, if yes what do we need to enquire about.

  2. Just wondering WHERE I might be able to find basil, bay, lavender, tansy or pennyroyal now that the weather is changing & getting colder?

  3. Just wondering, now that the weather is turning colder where I might find basil, bay, lavender, tansy or pennyroyal herbs?

  4. are any of these toxic to dogs, I have a dog that will try anything, he picks my tomatoes off the vines and eats them, just wondering.

  5. Neither pennyroyal not tansy should not be taken internally. (I wipe pennyroyal oil (and spray vinegar) on my clothes to ward off horseflies).

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