How To Make An Herbal Tincture For Migraines. Image – (with permission)
We’ve just discovered an amazing herbal remedy for migraines, along with a recipe for how to make it – and had to share.
There are several herbs today which are thought to relieve pains triggered by this condition. Studies have shown that lemon balm and feverfew may be effective in the treatment of common headache, stress, headache caused by PMS, migraines and tension headaches.
Also known as balm mint, blue balm or bee balm, lemon balm is a wonder herb that has been widely used in the treatment of various common health conditions for hundreds if not thousands of years now. Coming from the family of chrysanthemum, lemon balm resembles chamomile, which also came from the same family, and both are reported capable of controlling spasms.
Studies show that this herb is useful in the treatment of toothache as well as in soothing tension headaches. It has also been used to treat migraines and buzzing sensations in the ears which is a condition known as tinnitus. Lemon balm also has a history of use to treat upset stomach, intestinal gas, bloating, vomiting, painful menstrual cramps, hysteria, melancholia, insect bites, Alzheimer’s disease, cold sores, tumors, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and high blood pressure.
Feverfew, another herb which has been in use since old times [1] also promises results in soothing irritating headaches and migraines. According to research, headaches and migraines normally trigger the brain to release substantial amount of neurotransmitter serotonin which causes the blood vessels to constrict. Feverfew works because of its parthenolide compound content that helps in dilating constricted blood vessels. In a study published in the prestigious British medical journal Lancet, it was claimed that parthenolides play major roles in inhibiting the production of prostaglandin hormones that are known to trigger pain. Numerous other studies have supported this use of feverfew. [2]
In a study involving 270 participants in Britain who consumed 2-3 feverfew leaves everyday, it was found out that over 70% of the participants were actually relieved from tension headaches and migraines. [3] According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, parthenolide may have anti-inflammatory effects and may be capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. [3] Aside from migraine, feverfew is also thought beneficial to treat fever and arthritis.
So there you go – some genuine science behind this! Want to know how our homemade herbal tincture for migraine is made? Here is the link to the full tutorial:
Note: as this recipe involves alcohol it is adults only. Also, please note (as per usual) this is just an informational website where we report on the world of herbalism. None of the contents of this site are medical advice nor a recommendation to self medicate – and this website has not been evaluated by the FDA. Please consult a physician if you have symptoms, and be especially careful if you are using medications to check and be sure that herbs will not interact adversely with them.
[1] Heptinstall S. (1988) Feverfew–an ancient remedy for modern times?
[2] Pareek A, et al. (2011) Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L.): A systematic review.
[3] Feverfew – University of Maryland Medical Center.
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Thank you so much for this recipe.. I will be making some up to try for my adult son… The sleepy effects sound like it may be quite helpful also
Do you send out emails to us?
I do not do face book so well.
Migraines are nothing to fool with. Go to a doctor first, because any number of conditions can cause a migraine. if they decide it is something minor, then you can treat yourself with a natural remedy. otherwise, see your doctor first before you end up ignoring a small item that can turn into something bog. i learned this the hard way from a family member who never went to the doctor, always used natural remedies from the health food store. it poisoned his blood, and he has been in the hospital multiple times, instead of enjoying retirement.
With all the alcohol in it, I am sure the headache will go away!
Could you please set some photos with the names of the herbs, since english is not the firs language for all your readers 🙂 Of course we can google it, but it is a lot easier this way 🙂
Please explain more about the vegetable glycerin. I cannot have alcohol tinctures.
Do you have to heat the glycerin?
We also love using essential oils for taking care of pain and headaches. Pure peppermint oil ( a powerful and simple way to take care of pain. Thanks herbs-info for great, empowering information! It’s awesome to continual learn new ways to take care of our health.
Definitely worth a try! To date, my favorite natural migraine remedy is one given in the book Pomegranate Soup by Marsha Mehran. Spicy Indian blend seems to help relieve symptoms 🙂