Top 13 Herbs For Toothache

Top 13 Herbs For Toothache
Top 13 Herbs For Toothache. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 44118381 63445217 (under license)

(Note: this post – as always – is not medical advice nor substitute for a professional evaluation.)

Toothache can really be unbearably painful. What’s more distressing is when it occurs at midnight and your dentist’s office is already closed. On such occasions, home and herbal remedies come very handy. Here is a list of herbal remedies regarded as effective for toothaches. But before we go through that list, let’s briefly examine what toothache is and its underlying causes.

Pain in and around a tooth can really be distracting. Its severity ranges from mild discomfort to excruciatingly painful that it hampers one’s ability to perform daily tasks, and it becomes one’s sole area of focus. The condition can actually be triggered by several factors which include tooth fracture, tooth decay, abscessed tooth, infected gums, damaged filling and repetitive motions like chewing gums and grinding teeth. It’s essential to seek consultation with a dentist, who will appraise you as to the underlying condition and recommend a course of treatment. In the meantime, these herbs have been considered useful as home remedies. Maybe print out this list and keep it in your medicine chest?

Top 13 Herbal / Natural Home Remedies For Toothache:


Eugenol, the principal molecular component of the oil derived from cloves, is a common ingredient in dental products – that ought to tell you something! Ground or crushed whole cloves are believed to be effective in dealing with tooth pain due to their “dual action”, with both pain relieving and antimicrobial (bacteria-killing) properties. Also, cloves are known for their anesthetic and numbing effect when chewed.


The use of ginger root is probably one of the most common herbal remedies for toothaches that had been in use for decades now. All you have to do is peel off its skin and put it over the affected tooth and bite it. Eventually, the pain will subside. Change the ginger in your mouth periodically as needed.


One of the most common spices found in your kitchen, garlic also makes a very effective home remedy for toothaches. In fact, garlic is hailed as one of world’s “most potent antibiotics”. When crushed or finely chopped, bruised or crushed, garlic produces two chemicals that form into Allicin, a compound known for its antibiotic properties and its ability to ward off pain. However, some researchers claimed that garlic can irritate the gums so the use of crushed garlic should only be exclusive on tooth cavities.

Limes And Lemons

According to research, limes and lemons can also be of great help in dealing with tooth pain as they contain Vitamin C and strong citric acid which are thought to be effective at reducing pain. Just take a slice of lemon or lime and put it over the affected area. You can also squeeze its juice and swish it around the painful area. Or you can also make a paste by squeezing its juice, add a little salt, then apply it over the affected area.


Putting a piece of raw onion over the affected area is also recommended even by dentists. Onions are known for their antimicrobial properties which can be beneficial in dealing with dental pain. Some people even claimed that a slice of onion is equivalent to a bottle of Orajel and 8 capsules of advil!

When you feel that the pain begins to occur again, gently bite the onion until its juice comes out. Onions are also reported to be of great help to people who are suffering from tooth abscesses. A piece of onion is very effective in taking away swelling and pain.

Lavender And Chamomile

According to a scientific research study, chamomile and lavender make an excellent combination in easing pain and discomfort. The volatile oils of these herbal plants are known to produce calming, and analgesic effects to patients.


Is there anything that turmeric can’t do? When it comes to dental and gum problems, turmeric is getting a great deal of attention lately. In addition to its reported ability to fight against Alzheimer’s and different types of cancer diseases, turmeric is considered effective against abscesses and dental pain as well as tooth and gum infections.


Bet you weren’t expecting this one! Did you know that cabbage can also be an excellent dental pain reliever? When applied topically, cabbage serves as excellent detoxifiers and powerful healers. Just take a cabbage leaf and soften it with a rolling pin. Then take its veins, roll it up, and insert it between the tooth and the gum.


Have you heard of goldenseal? It is a flowering herbal plant that grows throughout North America. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the plant is a good source of chemical berberine which is scientifically proven to be effective at killing different types of bacteria in lab tests. Some people use goldenseal in treating sore throats, oral infections, urinary tract infections, sinus infections, and canker sores.


The use of thyme in treating dental pain is also recommended. According to studies, this culinary herb contains antiseptic, antifungal and medicinal properties which make it effective in warding off gum disease and tooth decay. When paired with fenugreek, thyme is beneficial in treating bacterial infections. On the other hand, when thyme is used with peppermint, it becomes more effective in killing bacteria and in reducing inflammation.


Though less commonly discussed, spilanthes is undeniably one of the most effective dental pain reliever. Often labeled as the ‘toothache plant’, the flowers of spilanthes are directly applied over the gum area as it offers numbing effects.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Growing yarrows in your backyard really makes a difference most especially when you are suffering from toothache. When dental pain begins, chew the plant’s feathery leaves and put them on the affected area. It acts very quickly and it offers temporary relief to your teeth and gum problems.

Peppermint Leaf

According to research, peppermint leaf or oil resembles some of the qualities of clove oil in relieving tooth pain. Many people believe that chewing peppermint leaf makes a very effective reliever to dental pain. Also, this culinary herb contains menthol that offers anti-inflammatory and soothing effects to the sufferer.

Get two peppermint leaves and chew them until they become wet. When wet, place them directly over the affected tooth. After a couple of minutes, rinse your mouth with a solution of 8 ounces of water and 2 teaspoons of salt.

Normally, a toothache is an indication that something is wrong. It must never be taken for granted or ignored – most especially when it results to swelling in and around the mouth. When this scenario occurs, contacting a dentist at once is necessary as a mere toothache can lead to more serious health problems.


Natural toothache remedies.

Tea Remedies for Toothache.

Pulugurtha, S. Oct 03, 2017. Neem Oil & Gum Disease.

Vercillo, K. 10 Home Remedies For Toothache Pain.

Natural Home Remedies: Toothache.

7 Home Remedies for Toothache….A Dentist’s Opinion.

Isaacs, T. Mar 18, 2012. Naturally relieve and heal toothaches and tooth infections.

Gallagher, J. July 1, 2010. Toothache Remedy for Immediate Toothache Relief.

Dental Health and Toothaches.

Wong, C. Feb 28, 2017. Natural Remedies for a Toothache.

Home Remedies for Toothache Pain.

Original article created for by Elfe Cabanas © 2013.

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14 thoughts on “Top 13 Herbs For Toothache

  1. I would add plantain to this list. If you chew it up and put in on the tooth over night, pain is gone by morning. If not, repeat the next night. It works for me everytime!

  2. Hi, I would also recommend Wormwood. It was recommended to me by a Moroccan herbalist a couple of years ago. He advised me to use a teaspoon of dried wormwood to create a tincture (store in fridge once made for a up to a couple of weeks) which you then use as a mouthwash a couple of times a day for a few days. Worked a treat.

    Also, huge thanks for your excellent blog & information. Can’t wait to put some things into action….first up Peppermint Cocoa Soap :o)

  3. Rosemary is one of the best! Not only will it help help with the pain, but it also has antiseptic properties as well. In my opinion, it is by far the most effective herb for toothache.
    Chew a few fresh leaves of Rosemary into a paste, then guide with the tongue to the effected area. Leave there for about twenty minutes and repeat if necessary, until you can see a Dentist.

  4. This is a great list. Clove oil is an old=time cure for a tooth ache. It numbs the area and gives relief from pain. It is also good at fighting bacteria. But, of course, the biggest anti-microbial in the herbal medicine chest is goldenseal. It is a tiny woodland plant that is wild harvested in the NE US and in Canada. It is somewhat expensive, but it works! The active ingredient is berberine, and that also exists in barberry root. Yes, getting organic is important and I get all of my herbs and spices from I get the clove oil from them, too. They sell massage oils that you can make yourself. They use coconut oil as a carrier and I just add clove to it. And, there you go, I have clove oil that I can use on my kids teeth and gums.

  5. That’s a very nice comprehensive and useful list of remedies.
    Toothache is one of the worst pains you can get so it’s important to be able to get some temporary relief quickly. But when the pain subsides, we should not forget about it – a visit to the dentist is a must.
    Good post.

  6. I always use cloves or garlic paste and the pain disappears after a while. But never knew that peppermint leaves, cabbage and onion give relief to toothache too. Thank you so much for these home remedies these sure are informative =)

  7. Thank you for sharing this, I am having for a couple of days toothache and really don’t want to try any other medicine than natural. I will try it today.

  8. Thankyou for this very helpful list of remedies. I currently have an abscess and the pain is horrendous. Co-codamol,ibuprofen and tramadol aren’t touching it so I will definitely give the onion a try ☺

  9. I’am really glad and thankfully at this site.
    Actually at this moment midnight am suffering with my tooth ache and
    And I found it this,so I followed and I just applied ginger or I just bite
    And it’s really amazing after a while the pain is gone.Thank
    you somuch very helpful and very effective.

  10. My husband used a syringe and filled it with a mix of cayenne and habanero chili (made a paste the thinned it enough to use a syringe.) It took the massive Pain he was having until he got the tooth pulled.

  11. Very informative article on natural remedies to toothaches. I do believe that we should treat such the way nature intended them to and try to avoid as much artificial painkillers as possible.

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