How To Make Your Own Daily Detox Drink

How To Make Your Own Daily Detox Drink. Image – We’re big fans of the various fruit/water “detox drink” recipes floating around the internet – and judging by the reaction to them, they are very popular all round. One …

6 Natural Ways To Ged Rid Of Fleas On Dogs

6 Natural Ways To Ged Rid Of Fleas On Dogs. Image – (with permission) If you have dogs, then you’ll know exactly what I mean when I say that fleas are an unfortunate part of the “package deal”. The …

16 Veggies You Can Re-Grow From Kitchen Scraps

Photo – © mbongo – (under license) Here’s an old idea that seems to have been completely forgotten about until recently: There are several foods which you can re-grow from saved pieces and will create a whole new plant! …

Top 15 Herbal Antibiotics

Image – There has been great concern in recent times over antibiotic-resistant bacteria – and it’s hardly suprising: The use of antibiotics causes bacteria strains to evolve – and if you think about it, it seems like simple evolution …

How To Make Strawberry Mint Spa Water

Photo – Did you know that most people do not drink enough water? There can be significant health consequences of dehydration. One of the reasons that people don’t drink enough water is that it is often considered a “boring” …

How To Get Started Growing Strawberries

How To Get Started Growing Strawberries. Graphic © Photo – © stakhov – (under license) Is there anything on the planet that is better than home-grown strawberries? When I was a kid, strawberries were literally my favorite food …

How To Make A Natural Anti-Dust Mite Carpet Cleaner

Dust mites: They live in your carpet – and your bed. Photo – FDA (public domain) Every so often the time comes when your carpet needs something more serious than vacuuming – and the typical strategy is either to pay …

How To Unclog Your Sink The Natural Way

Photo – (with permission) Well, the list of simple, natural replacements for things that are expensive and made with toxic chemicals just keeps on growing! Are you starting to see the pattern yet? 😉 You guessed it! We’re attempting …

How To Make A Homemade Mosquito Repellent That Works

Photo – © Henrik Larsson – (under license) The Dirt On Deet Scientific research has shown that chemical-based bug sprays may cause adverse effects to the human body. When they come in contact with the skin, these chemicals may …

How To Make A Raspberry Coconut Oil Body Scrub

Image – Did you know that coconut oil can be beneficial to the skin? Research shows that when coconut oil is made into body scrub or massage oil, it is useful in moisturizing different types of skin as well …

How To Make Homemade Natural Window Cleaner

Image – (with permission) As you will know if you have been following this blog, we’re big fans not only of herbalism but of simple ways to make your own home products using readily available ingredients. If you can …

22 Home Remedies For Sore Throat

Photo – Sore throat is a very common condition – and we’ve discovered an amazing list of 22 homemade remedies that are considered beneficial. Though most sore throats go away without medication, you may be able to avoid the …