How To Make Natural Honey Citrus Syrups for Coughs & Sore Throats

How To Make All-Natural Honey Citrus Syrups for Coughs & Sore Throats
Image – (with permission)

Today’s herbal recipe is a fantastic home remedy based on traditional medicines for coughs and sore throats used since ancient times. These are easy-to-make, delicious natural syrups with ingredients that have been reported to have a whole host of additional health benefits.

Monica (the writer of the original article) goes into significant detail in areas such as the choice of honey to be used. This is something I very much approve of – and I wrote a report on honey recently going into great depth over the differences between honeys – which is considerable. It is very important for example to choose, if possible, local raw honey. There has been a recent scandal over honey being exported from India and China, and it was revealed that much of the imported honey was adulterated, including for example high fructose corn syrup and even ingredients which have been banned in some countries.

Anyway – the recipes for not just one but five different syrups are listed; lemon ginger honey, clementine cardamom honey, lime and mint honey, lemon rosemary honey and orange clove honey. Note also that these 5 recipes were the result of much experimentation: there is nothing to stop you creating your own custom versions if you so desire.

These recipes seem so yummy to me the I’m speculating that you might wish to partake of them even when you are in perfect health! Here is the link to the full recipe: Natural Honey Citrus Syrups for Coughs & Sore Throats. Enjoy!

If you’re interested in tracking down the best quality raw honey, check out also this database of raw honey suppliers.

Let us know how you get on – in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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6 thoughts on “How To Make Natural Honey Citrus Syrups for Coughs & Sore Throats

  1. hi can you give me advice i have asthma and throat problems.. since i was young and been given hundreds of antibiotics and steroids and inhalers but still kept getting throat and chest infections have recently turned to eating healthy diet cutting out most of the drugs given by doctors because of side effects now have been out of hospital a year.. got honey and do first morning drink of hot water.. squeeze of lemon juice, cinammon powder and honey but went to holland and barret and there was hundreds of honey to choose so which do you recommend don’t want flavoured one just pure honey ? i live in colwyn bay north wales

  2. Hi there, it just so happens I recently made a whole page about honey and what to look for:
    If it were me I would go on to (or I guess it is over there ) and type in “raw honey” then arrange the results in terms of customer feedback, and go for something that has a really high amount of 5 star ratings – also read the reviews, people often give some good info. Hope that helps!
    Another thing to investigate might be breathing steam with a couple of drops of essential oils have been added to the hot water – peppermint, eucalyptus and several others are thought to be beneficial in this regard.

  3. told me tat i hv endometriosis.i hv terrible pain on the vaginal bone.i hv been diagnised wit cysts on the overs which are anout 3cms. I hv pain only during my periods.i am vry worried.please help me.

  4. Hi!

    Thanks for creating labels for these wonderful syrups! We are giving them as teacher gifts this Christmas since teachers are exposed to SO many germs over the course of a school year.

  5. TO Bhandavya,
    You must first quit sugar, processed foods, starches, red meats. Try curcuma longa turmeric, ganoderma lucidum, papaya leaf extract (Lady red)… and other natural remedies. Exercise, drink plenty of ‘filtered’ water…

  6. Hi Admin,I had c section(cesarean operation) in recent past, however, I’ve been facing over bleeding. Do you have any natural remedy.

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