The Top 10 Healthiest Seeds On Earth

The Top 10 Healthiest Seeds On Earth. Graphic © Seed photos © AdobeStock 19850856, 42750823, 49942028, 51422292, 55485135, 55658478, 56910850, 57696570, 60022685, 60444942 (under license) Our friends over at Prevent Disease put together an amazing “must-read” article about the …

Top 16 Edible Plants You Can Grow Indoors

Top 16 Edible Plants You Can Grow Indoors. Graphic © Photo © Adobe Stock 10517173 (under license). Micro gardening is all the rage and for many very good reasons! We discovered an amazing page listing 16 of the best …

Top 55 Flat-Belly Foods

Photo – © Markus Mainka – (under license) The choice of what we eat is one of the most important of all choices we make on a daily basis. It truly affects how long we live – and can …

Top 15 Potassium-Rich Foods

Pistachio pic – © Paweł Burgiel – (under license) Potassium is an element that contributes numerous benefits to the body. It can help lower sodium levels, help you avoid muscle tension, and even lower your blood pressure! Although potassium …

3 Day Pickles Recipe

Image – Here’s a great little tutorial that we couldn’t resist…. an easy recipe for making your own pickles! You know that if you make it yourself there’s a good chance that it’s going to be even better than …

The Miracle Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

The Miracle Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds. Graphic © Chia seed photo – © Milosz Bartoszczuk – (under license) Chia seeds have recently been “rediscovered” as an amazing nutritional resource packed with antioxidants, omega-3’s, fiver, vitamins, minerals and …

20 Foods To Help You Sleep Better

20 Foods To Help You Sleep Better. Graphic © Image credits – see foot of page. Did you know that certain foods can affect your sleep? Many people are aware that the turkey they eat on Christmas or Thanksgiving …

Top 30 Vitamin E Rich Foods

Image – Luigi Chiesa (via Wikipedia) – lic. under CC 3.0 Vitamin E is the collective name for what is actually a group of fat-soluble compounds that include eight naturally existing chemical forms, namely, alpha-tocopherol, beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, beta-tocotrienol, …

Top 36 Fat Burning Foods

Photo – © lidante – Fat burning foods is another idea that has come to prominence recently – and another one that I am questioning. Can foods really burn fat? Or is it just another of the many ways …

The Shocking Truth About Vegetable Oil

Photo © akulamatiau – (under license) Vegetable oil is one of those foodstuffs that people take for granted: We’ve been told that it is healthy – and most people don’t look any further into it. However, when you start …

Top 20 Best Foods For Your Brain

Top 20 Best Foods For Your Brain. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 37936052 (under license) Can anyone remember the fad for “smart drinks” that was around in the ’90’s? What happened to that? The general idea was that certain …