8 Herbal Antibiotics

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Top 8 Herbal Antibiotics
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Antibiotics are regarded as the world’s most over-prescribed medicine. Many are not aware that this is a problem.

You may have already experienced how the more frequently you use antibiotics, the more you will need to consume larger doses each time to experience the same effects as before. Indeed, developing an increased resistance to synthetic antibiotics today is not uncommon.

Moreover, pharmaceutical antibiotics kill both healthy and unhealthy bacteria which compromises your immune system – as the “good guys” are needed to keep the “bad guys” at bay. [1] Also, as stronger antibiotics are created to counter attack this resistance, stronger forms of viruses and bacteria have also evolved. [2]

Worse, did you know that even without an overdependence on antibiotics, resistance can still occur – because some animal feeds are mixed with minimal dosages of antibiotics? [3] This is another aspect of industrialized farming, particularly CAFOs (concentrated animal farming operations) that has received some attention, but too little.

I digress. Many people are not aware that numerous herbs possess antibiotic and blood cleansing properties. It has largely been forgotten that herbs were the original antibiotics!

The good news is that these are not necessarily rare plants, but widely available herbs and spices that can easily be found in your local grocery store, garden or even kitchen. These herbs function differently than your common antibiotics without increasing your resistance against them. In fact, most simple ailments like sinus issues, sore throats, shallow wounds and mild urinary tract infections often only need the antibiotic properties of herbs than drugs [3] such as these 7 gifts of nature:

8 Herbal Antibiotics

Garlic – best when eaten raw, garlic has antibacterial properties to strengthen the immune system. What’s even better about garlic is your body will not naturally develop resistance against it [4] nor does it fight the healthy bacteria your body needs like those which line your intestines. [5] Because the potent effects of garlic remain when uncooked, it’s better to take it in smaller doses to avoid upsetting the stomach. [6]

Tea tree – mixed with olive or almond oil and externally applied, the Australian native tea tree is an herbal antibiotic to fight bacteria, fungal infections and viruses on contact. In some cases, it is likened to a milder form of rubbing alcohol. [4] Its practical uses include combatting fungal nail infections and athlete’s foot. [5]

Goldenseal – an anti-inflammatory herb, goldenseal alleviates liver, gastrointestinal issues [2] and is known to effectively fight 19 types of bacteria when used long-term. [4]

Aloe vera – when its sap is externally applied to wounds or burns, aloe vera hastens the healing, adds comfort and prevents infection. [6] Aside from wounds and burns, this native plant can kill bacteria causing rashes, inflammation and constipation.

Ginger – like garlic, ginger is best consumed raw to maximize on its antibacterial effects. Ginger also has known anti-nausea and anti-fungal properties and can aid sufferers of diarrhea. [5]

Echinacea – if you experience early signs of colds, sore throat or flu, try this herb before resorting to more drastic antibiotics. Echinacea can also help those suffering from hay fever, ear infections, urinary tract infections, sunburn, enlarged prostate and lymph glands recover faster. [2]

Licorice – another powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal herb that can be used to improve indigestion, small intestinal ulcers, viral infections and hepatitis. [2] Be careful however of its side effects especially when taken with other medications.

Thyme. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a powerful herb with a long history of medicinal use. It contains compounds such as thymol and carvacrol, which have strong antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Thyme can be used to treat respiratory infections, skin conditions, and digestive issues. It is often used in the form of essential oil, teas, or tinctures. Thyme’s antimicrobial properties make it effective against a variety of pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Additionally, thyme can help alleviate coughs and boost the immune system. [7]

This doesn’t mean though that all synthetic antibiotics should be forbidden. But where mild infections, cuts, injuries can be remedied by herbs, these will help you reduce dependency on pharmaceutical drugs so that when you really do need these medications for more serious disorders, they can more effectively work for you even in smaller dosages. [4] Furthermore, although we cannot make medicinal recommendations, there have been numerous instances in which herbs succeeded where all antibiotics failed. This is likely to become a more common theme in the coming years of growing and problematic antibiotic resistance (which broad spectrum plant-based materials are much less prone to).

Safety Precautions For Herbal Antibiotics

While herbal antibiotics may offer natural alternatives to synthetic drugs, it is essential to use them safely and understand whether they may interact with conventional medications.

1. Consult a Healthcare Provider: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any herbal treatment, especially if you are taking other medications or have underlying health conditions. This is crucial to avoid potential interactions and side effects.

2. Proper Dosage: Follow recommended dosages for herbal remedies. Overuse can lead to adverse effects and diminish their efficacy. Herbal supplements should be taken as directed by a healthcare provider.

3. Quality Matters: Ensure that you are using high-quality herbs and supplements. Look for products that have been tested and certified by reputable organizations to ensure purity and potency.

4. Potential Interactions: Some herbs can interact with some conventional medications. For example, garlic can increase the effects of blood-thinning medications, while echinacea may interfere with immunosuppressive drugs. Inform your healthcare provider about all the supplements and herbs you are taking and if you are on medications, make inquiries as to whether herbs are safe to use.

5. Combining Treatments: In some cases, studies have shown that certain herbs can work synergistically with antibiotics to combat resistant bacteria. However, this should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

6. Allergies and Sensitivities: Be aware of any allergies or sensitivities you may have to specific herbs. Perform a patch test when using new topical remedies to check for adverse reactions.

7. Special Populations: Certain groups, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, and the elderly, should be particularly cautious when using herbal antibiotics. Always seek professional advice before starting any new treatment.

Article researched and created by Cathy Ongking,
© herbshealthhappiness.com

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By Mike Westerdal CPT

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This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)

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