How To Make Amazing Naturally Flavored Water

How To Make Amazing Naturally Flavored Water. Photo – (with permission) Finally – a way to drink something that has tons of flavor as well as super health qualities! Although I say “finally” – aficionados of the natural way …

Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dry Skin. Graphic © Photo – © Marco Mayer – (under license) What is Dry Skin? Dry skin is a very common condition where your skin loses its natural moisture. …

Fizzy Toilet Freshener Bombs DIY

Image – We discovered a great tutorial for how to make your own “fizzy cleaning toilet bombs”! I have to say, this has immediate appeal as anything that diminishes scrubbing the bowl gets my vote. As an added bonus …

Make Your Own “Breathe Jar” For Sinus Congestion

Image – If you have used OTC nasal sprays for decongestion, you might be interested in this. This “Breathe Jar” is an alternative that utilizes nothing but pure essential oils. Something here really caught my eye: It’s interesting to …

How To Make Amazing Natural Homemade Sunscreen

Image – It’s ironic to think that to “protect ourselves” against skin cancer, some of us (not me!) cover ourselves in highly toxic chemicals that are now possibly thought to increase the risk of skin cancer! It just goes …

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Mosquito Bites. Graphic © Photos – ©, lucato, abet, Alexander Zhiltsov – Mosquito bites itch because of a mild allergic reaction to the saliva that they inject into the body – this …

How To Make Homemade Extracts – Vanilla, Lemon Or Almond

How To Make Homemade Extracts – Vanilla, Lemon Or Almond. Image – (with permission) When you think of herbal extracts, you might (if you are like me) imagine some kind of arcane “alchemist’s lair” with curious distillation equipment, dusty …

How To Make Homemade Natural Adhesive And Goo Remover

How To Make Homemade Natural Adhesive And Goo Remover. Image – (with permission) If you’re concerned about the use of potentially toxic or carcinogenic solvents such as those used in some adhesive remover products, then you’ll be sure to …

How To Make 30 Minute Lip Balm

How To Make 30 Minute Lip Balm. Image – (with permission) Here’s an awesome tutorial that we just discovered on how to make your own lip balm. This is a superb natural formula which only uses four ingredients. The …

DIY Sleep Salve For Sweet Dreams (& Soft Feet!)

Image – (with permission) Our friend Jillee has posted a recipe for a fantastic sleep salve. Did you know that essential oils are absorbed through the soles of the feet? They should not be put on undiluted, so this …

5 Natural Ways To Help Hair Grow Faster

Image – (with permission) Did you know that the condition of hair and skin can be a great indicator for the overall health of the body? It follows naturally from this that one of the best ways to improve …

How To Get Rid Of Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar

How To Get Rid Of Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar. Photo – (with permission) Today’s “amazing discovery” was a post by trained herbalist / nutritionist Todd Caldecott about how he completely got rid of an unsightly mole on his …