Scientists Find Broccoli May Slow Down And Even Prevent Osteoarthritis

Scientists Find Broccoli May Slow Down And Even Prevent Osteoarthritis. Graphic © Broccoli background photo – © AdobeStock 53050570 (under license) Amazing news – a team of scientists in the UK has found that glucoraphanin, a substance present in …

5 Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure

Infographic – Photo sources – see foot of article The data the World Health Organization has on hypertension is staggering. An estimated 1.13 billion people worldwide are affected by hypertension. The latest brief of the disease published by the …

12 Natural Remedies For Gas & Bloating

12 Natural Remedies For Gas & Bloating. Image – (with permission) “Wind” – Everyone knows about this uncomfortable condition – a bloated feeling in the belly caused by trapped gas, which can also be painful. And then of course, …

How To Make A Mason Jar Herb Garden

Photo – (with permission) Here’s a super fun ‘herbal project’ that we discovered and had to share – how to make your own Mason jar herb garden. This should be a great one for the kids to participate in …

Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps

Photo – böhringer friedrich (Wikipedia) lic. under CC 2.5 Wasps are actually very beneficial insects in some ways – for example they hunt all manner of other insects, keeping their numbers down. Certain varieties of wasp are deliberately introduced in …

Top 55 Flat-Belly Foods

Photo – © Markus Mainka – (under license) The choice of what we eat is one of the most important of all choices we make on a daily basis. It truly affects how long we live – and can …

Top 10 Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Photo – © malwa – (under license) What Causes Wrinkles? Wrinkles are every woman’s worst enemy – and many men don’t want them either! Collagen and elastin are responsible for keeping our skin smoother and younger looking. [1] As …

How To Make A Healing Lip Salve

Image – (with permission) Here’s an excellent formula that we discovered for making your own lip balm. This one contains several herbs and essential oils – and is 100% free from petrochemical products, weird coloring agents or aromas made …

5 Herbs That Relieve Anxiety

Image – (with permission) Anxiety seems to be one of the more prevalent conditions of the modern world. It’s not surprising – life is more fast paced and there is simply “more stuff happening” than there used to be. …

The DIRTY Truth About Canola Oil

Photo © junpinzon – To tell the truth, I’ve been a little confused (like many people) about canola oil for a while: Some people are saying “it’s fine, don’t listen to the rants” and others are saying “seriously do …

How To Make Your Own Rejuvenating Tea Tree Face Cream

Image – With the harsh effects of the external environment nowadays, face creams have come in very handy not just for women, but for men as well! Face creams available in the store today promise quality results in making …

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass pic – © Brent Hofacker – (under license) Can Wheatgrass Juice Improve Your Health? As people become more “conscious” with their state of health and well being, the importance of consuming natural, raw and organic products is becoming …