Amazing Paleo Watermelon Cake

Amazing Paleo Watermelon Cake. Image – Check out this super-amazing watermelon cake that we discovered! You don’t need many ingredients to make this cake and the prep time is listed at 15 minutes, which is much faster than that …

Amazing “Golden Milk” Turmeric Tea Recipe

Image – Wellness Mama Here’s an awesome recipe for golden milk – a super-healthy drink made from turmeric – which is considered one of the best spices in the world for all round health benefits! This drink contains not only …

Fizzy Toilet Freshener Bombs DIY

Image – We discovered a great tutorial for how to make your own “fizzy cleaning toilet bombs”! I have to say, this has immediate appeal as anything that diminishes scrubbing the bowl gets my vote. As an added bonus …

107 Everyday Uses For Coconut Oil

Image – We’ve run posts on coconut oil before – but we just discovered this one over at Everyday Roots and had to share because it goes beyond. Not only is it a list of 107 uses for coconut …

Make Your Own “Breathe Jar” For Sinus Congestion

Image – If you have used OTC nasal sprays for decongestion, you might be interested in this. This “Breathe Jar” is an alternative that utilizes nothing but pure essential oils. Something here really caught my eye: It’s interesting to …

8 Refreshing Drinks To Shrink Your Belly

Image © Liv Friis-larsen – If you want to change your health, it’s time to switch up your drinks! 🙂 You’ll be amazed at the huge difference you can make to your life by cutting out store-bought junk drinks …

Amazing Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

Amazing Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 64231523 (under license) Chia seeds have been popularised by the bestselling book “Born to Run” by Chris McDougall, which advocates the health benefits of Chia for athletes. Claims …

10 Healthiest Drink Recipes In The World

10 Healthiest Drink Recipes In The World. Image – (with permission) Today we bring you an amazing free collection of recipes for healthy drinks courtesy of our friends over at Natural Living Ideas! We’ve also added a few more …

How To Make Your Own Yummy Coconut Milk

How To Make Your Own Yummy Coconut Milk. Image – Coconut is now widely regarded as having all kinds of amazing health benefits. It is packed with healthful medium chain fatty acids and lauric acid. However, if you purchase …

How To Make A Month Of Smoothies In 1 Hour

Image – Smoothies are great – but who has time to do all that prep every morning? Your new, ambitious diet plans and commitment to being “the new you” might only last a couple of days before you wake …

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pistachios

Image – © Mara Zemgaliete – The common edible pistachio and other Pistacia species have a surprising track record in traditional medicine for a very wide range of benefits! Did you know that herbalists have used various parts of …