Amazing “Golden Milk” Turmeric Tea Recipe

Golden Milk Turmeric Tea
Image – Wellness Mama

Here’s an awesome recipe for golden milk – a super-healthy drink made from turmeric – which is considered one of the best spices in the world for all round health benefits!

This drink contains not only turmeric but also coconut milk, cinnamon, raw honey (or maple syrup) , black pepper, ginger and optional cayenne pepper. All kinds of good stuff, in other words.

Some have described this drink as soothing and relaxing – “like chai without the caffeine”. The chai reference is appropriate, because it turns out that this is an old Indian recipe (except the old Indian recipe made with cow’s milk). Well, now you have further options! 😉

If possible, use fresh, organic ingredients for best results. Another version of the recipe includes the addition of 1tsp of almond oil or coconut oil – but you could probably also add flax or hemp oil – and then blend!

Turmeric is amazing stuff and we have written about its profound healthful qualities before: 600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb One thing to note – turmeric can stain some plastic containers, marble countertops and fingertips.

Something else to note – black pepper has a positive influence on the way the human body works with turmeric and it’s valuable to combine the two. More info here:

The usual safety notes apply: This website is not medical advice, and please check with your doctor before using herbs if you are pregnant, using medications or have other health conditions.

Ok, here is the link to the full Golden Milk tutorial:

Here’s our video on the health benefits of turmeric:

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By Mike Westerdal CPT

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5 thoughts on “Amazing “Golden Milk” Turmeric Tea Recipe

  1. I regularly use Turmeric since I discurvered its benefits from your post. Pls send me a mail to inform me on the best way to take turmeric tea with giner.

  2. I use it as a facial mask too. Honey, turmeric, & milk mixed together. Unused portion needs refrigeration for next time.

  3. Turmeric is only soluble in a good oil or fat so add that to this mix and make sure you grind fresh peppercorns each time as the piperine in pre-ground pepper will be diminished. Check out Turmeric Users Group on Facebook.

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