I Really Don’t Want The Right To Know

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image source – Pixabay (PD). You are what you eat! The health of our bodies significantly depends on the drinks and foods we consume. With this in mind, are you aware of the ingredients you swallow every …

When Your Banana Turns Brown

When Your Banana Turns Brown. Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Banana photo – Pixabay (PD) When it comes to keeping the doctor away, bananas and apples go hand in hand. The tropical fruit is loaded with nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, …

Why I Love Magnesium

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Did you know that magnesium deficiency leads to abnormal heart rhythms, personality changes, seizures, muscle cramps, numbness, and an increased risk or diabetes? [1] As scary as this sounds, a large number of Americans do not meet …

13 Great Probiotic Foods You Should Be Eating

13 Great Probiotic Foods You Should Be Eating. Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources – see foot of article. Do you want to promote your heart health, reduce depression, improve digestive health, and even get better-looking skin? Research shows that probiotics …

The Problem Is We Are Not Eating Food Any More

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image source – Pixabay (PD). “The problem is we are not eating food anymore; we are eating food-like products.” ― Alejandro Junger, “Hungry For Change” Film True to Dr. Alejandro Junger’s words, results from a 2016 cross-sectional …

Tea Ailment Cheat Sheet

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image source – Pixabay (PD). 1. Green Tea: Green tea is at the top of the list of healthy drinks thanks to its antioxidant properties. Recently, its active constituent – catechin – has been shown to slightly …

American Researchers Found That Steaming Broccoli

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image source – Wikipedia – lic. under GFDL v1.2 Cruciferous vegetables such as collard greens, kale, watercress, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli are widely celebrated from their anti-cancer effects. [1] According to a study published in the Journal …

The President’s Cancer Panel Warning

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image source – Pixabay (PD). Carcinogenic compounds are all around us – from the processed meats, alcoholic beverages, red meat, to pollutants in the water and air. [1][2][3] Although most of us are already aware of some …

25 Unusual Uses For Baking Soda

Unusual Uses For Baking Soda. Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. background photo – Pixabay (PD). As plain as it looks, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is actually a versatile compound with tons of possible uses. The inexpensive household staple is typically used for …

2 Tablespoons Of Chia Seeds Contain…

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image source – Wikipedia – lic. under CC 4.0 Did you know that the term ‘Chia’ comes from an ancient Mayan word that means ‘strength’? Rightfully so, chia seeds are loaded with high amounts of important nutrients …

6 Reasons Dandelions Don’t Deserve To Be Called A Weed

6 Reasons Dandelions Don’t Deserve To Be Called A Weed. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Dandelion image – Pixabay (PD). 1. Dandelions are the First Food for Bees in Spring: In early spring when only a few flowers are blooming, dandelions are …

6 Super Spices

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources – see foot of article. 1. Cinnamon: Even as little as a quarter or half spoonful a day has been found to lower blood sugar, LDL cholesterol and even triglycerides. This is in addition to …