Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds

Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds. Graphic © Photos – Pixabay (PD) 1. Great Source of Magnesium: Pumpkin seeds are among the best natural sources of magnesium. ½ cup of pumpkin seeds contains 92% of the daily recommended intake. Magnesium …

Health Benefits of Turmeric & Curcumin

Health Benefits of Turmeric & Curcumin. Graphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD) Studies have shown that TURMERIC and its bioactive compound, CURCUMIN, can… 1. Support healthy cholesterol levels by helping lower LDL or bad cholesterol. It has anti-inflammatory properties, …

Healthy Juice Recipes

Healthy Juice Recipes. Graphic: © Image source – Unsplash (PD) Allergy Reducer Ingredients ⦁ Medium-sized carrot – 1 ⦁ Large oranges – 2 ⦁ Cucumber – ½ ⦁ Mint leaves – a handful ⦁ Ginger root – ½ inch …

Legs Up The Wall

Graphic: © Image © Lorelyn Medina – (under license) There’s more to yoga poses than meets the eye! According to an article by the Harvard Medical School, the ancient practice of yoga has immense physical and mental benefits …

Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. While western medicine has come a long way, traditional (natural) alternatives are still potent remedies for numerous conditions affecting the body. Some of these conditions are: 1. Asthma …

Top 6 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends For Well Being

Top 6 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends For Well Being. Graphic: © Oil / flowers photo – Pixabay (PD). When it comes to essential oils, the possible aromatherapy combinations are nearly endless. But the wide range of options can also …

Top 10 Hydrating Foods

Graphic: © Image sources – see foot of article. Hydrating foods can restore electrolytes and rehydrate our bodies – especially during strenuous activities or hot weather. Here are some of the top hydrating foods with at least 85% water …

Top 11 Natural Painkillers

Top 11 Natural Painkillers. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. A list of 11 natural foods with science-supported pain reduction effects: 1. Horseradish for Sinuses: Its high levels of sulfur create an antibiotic effect, and this …

Uses Of Chia Seeds

Uses Of Chia Seeds. Graphic © Image source – Pixabay (PD). Legend has it that chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) were used by ancient Aztec warriors to boost their endurance. They were a dietary staple in ancient history – and …

Uses Of Garlic

Uses Of Garlic. Graphic © Background images – Pixabay (PD). Garlic is an aromatic culinary ingredient with a surprisingly wide range of touted health benefit. They say an apple a day keep the doctor – but we say a …

Your Body After You Stop Smoking

Graphic: © Image source – Pixabay (PD). Smoking is a psychological habit and physical addiction. Most ex-smokers claim that overcoming their nicotine addiction was one of the hardest things in their lives. If you’re among the millions of people …

Top Five Recycling Stats

Top Five Recycling Stats. Graphic: © Small images – Pixabay (PD). It’s about time we take recycling more seriously – i.e. if we plan to ensure the sustainability of our planet. Observing proper recycling practices allows us to conserve …