Top 10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones
Top 10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones. Graphic © Background illustration © AdobeStock 41346264 (under license)

There are various reasons for the formation of kidney stones. It could be that your diet is too high in calcium, meat protein, salt (increases urate), purines (found in alcoholic beverages) or oxalate (cranberry, apple, orange juices). Insufficient water consumption is also a factor. Other causative factors are existing medical problems such as urinary tract infection, gout, inflammatory bowel disorders, sedentary lifestyle and genetics.

People with kidney stones experience extreme discomfort, with several episodes of sudden sharp and excruciating pain in the lower abdomen or groin that can sometimes be relieved by movement. The pain may or may not radiate, depending on whether the stones move. Signs and symptoms associated with kidney stones include abdominal pain, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. Larger stones are often treated by using ultrasound or X-rays to locate them and then shock waves or laser treatment to break them down. In fewer than 1% of cases they will have to be surgically removed.[1]

Once it is medically confirmed that you have kidney stones, doctors will more than likely send you home with a prescription for heavy duty pain killers. However, medications are not the only tool that can relieve you of your suffering from kidney stones. In fact, there are natural remedies that may be able to provide additional comfort as you and your body duel with kidney stones.

10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

1. Increase Your Hydration – This is by far the best natural remedy for any type of kidney stones you have. People diagnosed with kidney stones should be consuming a minimum of 10 glasses of fluids on a daily basis. People who are at risk of developing cystine stones should drink more fluids, at least 14 glasses every day. To determine if you are drinking enough fluids, check if your urine is colourless. If not, then you ought to increase your hydration and must be consistent with it.

Water remains the best fluid for everyone and should comprise at least half of their hydration routine. Although there is calcium concentration in water in general, it plays a diminutive role in stone formation. Lemon juice (up to half a cup per day) is a wonderful ingredient that can be added to your water or food (especially good with meats or fish) and is proven to be beneficial in the prevention of kidney stones because it contains citric acid. As citrate levels in the body increase, your protection against kidney stones also increases. The high content of vitamin C will also boost your immune system. [2]

2. Dandelion – A taproot perennial that grows abundantly in North America, Europe and Asia, dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties [3] that contribute to the prevention of kidney stones. On top of that, dandelion is a natural diuretic which makes it a great tonic and cleanser for our kidneys, often helping to dissolve stones and to prevent further formation of them. You can make an infusion of dandelion leaves or a decoction of the root, either by harvesting your own plants (the roots can be dried slowly in a warm oven for storage) or by buying ready-made dandelion tea bags or tincture. It is best taken unsweetened as the bitter taste stimulates the digestive system.

3. Pomegranates – Since pomegranates are low in potassium, they are great for people who are on a renal diet. A renal diet is generally low in protein, salt, phosphorus and potassium and is recommended for people who are suffering from renal problems like kidney stones and kidney failure. So if you are concerned about the risk of kidney stones, start your day with a glass of fresh pomegranate juice or make a habit of eating pomegranates.

4. Basil – Basil is commonly found in our kitchen, but did you know that basil is a known natural remedy for kidney stones? Basil can strengthen our kidneys. [4] Make a tea or juice out of fresh basil leaves, adding some raw honey. Drinking this delicious concoction everyday can help to alleviate the discomfort of kidney stones.
5. Grapefruit – Grapefruit ranks as one of the most powerful sources of antioxidants among fruits therefore the regular consumption of grapefruit can help you ward off urinary tract infection. Grapefruit juice is another powerful tool that reduces calcium oxalate kidney stones. [5] In a study published in The British Journal of Nutrition, the incidence of calcium oxalate stone formation lowered among their subjects who drank half to one litre of grapefruit juice daily due to an increased urine pH and increased citrate levels.

6. Marshmallow Root – Marshmallow root has strong anti-inflammatory properties. This herb contains mucilages, which form a protective coating to soothe tissues that have become inflamed and irritated. This coating protects the digestive and urinary tract when kidney stones pass. Dr. James Balch, author of The Super Antioxidants, recommends a daily intake of two pints of marshmallow root tea to effectively flush out kidney stones from the body. [6]

7. Green Tea – Perhaps everybody agrees that green tea is a wonder drink. A group of doctors from Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences conducted a study in 2005 about the preventative effects of green tea in the formation of renal stones. The study showed that the antioxidant properties of green tea actually lowered the formation of calcium oxalate deposits thus preventing calcium oxalate urolithiasis. [7] Opt for the caffeine free green tea, and drink at least 2-3 cups a day.

8. Wild Carrot (Leaves and Seeds) – As an aromatic herb, wild carrot (Daucus Carota) is not to be confused with the common vegetable carrot. Wild carrot is a known diuretic, which means it encourages toxins and waste to be flushed out from our kidneys. [8] It has been said that a herbal infusion of the wild carrot leaves and seeds is a good natural antidote to kidney stone formation. Even if stones have begun to form, the same concoction is still reported to be capable of diminishing those harmful stones and reducing their recurrence.

9. Eat for the benefit of your kidneys – Too much salt, alcohol and preservatives top the list of food items to avoid. Go for meals that contain a minimal amount of salt and as much as possible cook your own food from fresh ingredients. Buying canned goods is not only more costly but also potentially dangerous to your kidneys. Invest in fruits and vegetables that have high antioxidant properties such as tomatoes, blueberries, squashes and carrots. Beware of red meats (such as pork and beef), oxalate rich foods (nuts, spinach and beans), cold water fish, refined foods like white bread and commercial fast foods like French fries and burgers.

10. A healthy lifestyle means healthy kidneys – Before taking any prescription drugs, always consult your doctor first. There are medications that can do more harm to your kidneys than good. Start a habit of doing at least 30 minutes of exercise every day – this will help your body’s fluids to circulate and to keep your system free from kidney stones.

More: – Note that we also have a page all about Herbs For Kidney Stones.

[1] “Kidney stones.” NHS Choices., n.d. Web. 21 July 2013.
[2] Penniston, Kristina. “Citric Acid and Kidney Stones.” UW Hospital Metabolic Stone Clinic. UW Health. UW Hospital and Clinics, n.d. Web. 21 July 2013.
[3] Roizman, Tracy. “The Benefits of Dandelion Leaf & Root for the Kidneys.” Popular Herbal Supplements. Livestrong Foundation, 7 Oct. 2011. Web. 21 July 2013.
[4] “Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits of Basil.” Natural Health. Off The Grid News. N.p., 21 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 July 2013.
[5] “Grapefruit.” The World’s Healthiest Foods. George Mateljan Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 July 2013.
[6] Marx, Natalie. “Alternatively Speaking: Kidney stones.” Lifestyle. The Jerusalem Post. N.p., 31 May 2012. Web. 21 July 2013.
[7] Itoh, Y, et al. “Preventive effects of green tea on renal stone formation and the role of oxidative stress in nephrolithiasis.” The Journal of Urology 173.1 (2005): 271-75. Abstract. Web. 21 July 2013.
[8] “Wild Carrots.” Plants. Preparing To Survive. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 July 2013.

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9 thoughts on “Top 10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

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  4. I undergo cysthopic operation can go on jogging eventhough its only 15days after the operation ..thanks

  5. Lemons! Lemons added to a glass of water and lemonade. This recommended to me by a urologist after a kidney stone attack. Haven’t had a problem in 5 yrs. Works for me.

  6. Thanks for the info, but I add the task and ask the owners about what experience the benefits of cinnamon and anise as is well known it’s useful for kidney stones

  7. Thanks for the post. There is also another remedy.the middle portions of the plantain stem. This is used as vegitable. Juice can be extracted and tahen 3times a week to taste lemon juice can be added.

  8. The suggestion about drinking a lot of water is probably a good idea, but certainly not fluoridated water, which has been implicated in the formation of kidney stones.

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