Top 10 Foods Naturally High In Dietary Fiber

Infographic © Photo credits – see foot of article. Dietary fiber includes all of the plant-based foods you ingested that your body can’t digest or absorb. [1] Also known as roughage or bulk, your body can’t absorb it like …

Top 7 Foods To Prevent Gout

Infographic – photo sources – see foot of article Have you ever been jabbed with hundreds of minute white-hot needles? I hope not, but that’s how people suffering from gout often describe the pain. The joints in some acute …

Amazing Paleo Watermelon Cake

Amazing Paleo Watermelon Cake. Image – Check out this super-amazing watermelon cake that we discovered! You don’t need many ingredients to make this cake and the prep time is listed at 15 minutes, which is much faster than that …

8 Refreshing Drinks To Shrink Your Belly

Image © Liv Friis-larsen – If you want to change your health, it’s time to switch up your drinks! 🙂 You’ll be amazed at the huge difference you can make to your life by cutting out store-bought junk drinks …

101 Superfoods That Fight Joint Pain And Inflammation

101 Superfoods That Fight Joint Pain And Inflammation. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.comImages – © psdesign1 (human body), © (veggies), © Liddy Hansdottir (fruit heart) – Chronic inflammation is now regarded as being at the core of joint pain issues …

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cherries

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cherries. Graphic © Cherry photo © AdobeStock 66412088 (under license) Cherries are packed with nutrients! They are becoming more well known for their many health benefits, mainly due to the high levels of …

Amazing Health Benefits Of Pineapple

Amazing Health Benefits Of Pineapple. Graphic © Pineapple photo © AdobeStock 12601832 (under license) The pineapple is native to southern Brazil and Paraguay, the modern fruit having been developed by native people from an almost inedible wild species. The …

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Broccoli

Image – Donelli M © Broccoli photo – wikipedia Broccoli originated in Italy (as you might guess from the name) and it has been eaten there since Roman times – however surprisingly it has only been popular in the …

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Apples

Apple Image – Wikipedia. Recipe – Although the apple is a temperate fruit that does not grow so well in tropical climates, it is still a popular fruit everywhere, even in tropical parts of the world – and for …