Health Benefits Of Strawberries

Graphic © 1. Boosts Immunity: Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C; both of these substances are excellent for fighting free radicals. [1] Vitamin C is well established by science to boost the immune system. [2] 2. Regulates …

9 Foods That You Should Never Eat

Graphic © Background images – Shutterstock (under license), Pixabay (PD) 1. Canned Tomatoes: The metal cans used for canned food are typically lined with a layer of plastic to prevent the metals interacting with the food – however the …

Eating Mangoes Could Benefit Your Cardiovascular And Bowel Health

Eating Mangoes Could Benefit Your Cardiovascular And Bowel Health. Graphic © Image © 385801849 (under license) This tropical fruit has more benefits than being a prime ingredient for shakes and desserts. While this fruit is already quite popular …

Add An Extra 7 Years To Your Life By Doing These 3 Things

Image © (under license) These three tips for a longer lifespan may be “no-brainers” but the human population tends to be stubborn unless facts are thrown in their faces. According to Neil Mehta and Mikko Myrskylä, the behavior profile …

11 Common Habits That Can Damage The Kidneys

Image © – (under license) 1. Insufficient Water Intake: Severe and frequent dehydration can lead to permanent kidney damage. It is very important to drink enough water, especially in hot and humid weather. [1] 2. High Sugar Consumption: …

10 Foods that Lower Cholesterol Naturally

10 Foods that Lower Cholesterol Naturally. Graphic © Photos – Pixabay (PD) 1. Garlic: Garlic is beneficial in lowering cholesterol in the body and may have benefits for those with high blood pressure. Science has suggested that it may …

Stop Eating C.R.A.P.

Graphic: © Image sources – Pixabay(PD), Pexels(PD). Sticking to a healthy diet is crucial to your wellbeing. The aim should be to have more energy, boost your mood, improve your health, and feel great in the process. Here is …

Pumpkin Seeds Are Packed With L-Tryptophan

Graphic: © Image source – Pixabay (PD). They may be small and underutilized, but pumpkin seeds are packed with a truckload of valuable nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, healthy fats, and L-tryptophan. In this post, we’ll focus more on …

7 Foods To Lower Blood Pressure

Graphic: © Image sources – see foot of article. Did you know that up to 1 in 3 adults are affected by high blood pressure (also known as hypertension)? [1] This condition has been shown to increase the risk …

8 Foods That Fight Stress

8 Foods That Fight Stress. Graphic: © Image sources – Pixabay (PD), Pexels (PD). Here is a quick list and chart of 8 foods that have been found by various research to provide support to the body which may …

Cherries Are A Great Late-Night Snack

Cherries Are A Great Late-Night Snack. Graphic © Background image – Pexels (PD) Who loves cherries? They are delicious, nutritious, go perfectly with any dessert, and as it turns out, they help you sleep better. Next time you feel …