Clean Eating Do’s And Don’ts

Graphic © ‘Clean eating’ is an increasingly popular concept in health and wellness circles. It describes the practice of paying attention to what you eat and observing a diet that is as close to nature as possible. It also …

Foods That Help Anxiety

Foods That Help Anxiety. Graphic: © At some point, everyone suffers from some level of anxiety. For others, however, it is a much bigger issue requiring sessions with a therapist. Even without taking pills, what you eat can determine …

Health Benefits of Moringa

Graphic: © Image source – Pixabay (PD). Moringa Oleifera is an ancient plant that goes by many names – the miracle tree, horseradish tree, the tree of life, or the drumstick tree, to name a few. It’s regarded as …

Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds

Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds. Graphic © Photos – Pixabay (PD) 1. Great Source of Magnesium: Pumpkin seeds are among the best natural sources of magnesium. ½ cup of pumpkin seeds contains 92% of the daily recommended intake. Magnesium …

Healthy Juice Recipes

Healthy Juice Recipes. Graphic: © Image source – Unsplash (PD) Allergy Reducer Ingredients ⦁ Medium-sized carrot – 1 ⦁ Large oranges – 2 ⦁ Cucumber – ½ ⦁ Mint leaves – a handful ⦁ Ginger root – ½ inch …

Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article. While western medicine has come a long way, traditional (natural) alternatives are still potent remedies for numerous conditions affecting the body. Some of these conditions are: 1. Asthma …

Top 10 Hydrating Foods

Graphic: © Image sources – see foot of article. Hydrating foods can restore electrolytes and rehydrate our bodies – especially during strenuous activities or hot weather. Here are some of the top hydrating foods with at least 85% water …

Uses Of Chia Seeds

Uses Of Chia Seeds. Graphic © Image source – Pixabay (PD). Legend has it that chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) were used by ancient Aztec warriors to boost their endurance. They were a dietary staple in ancient history – and …

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Health Benefits Of Green Tea Graphic © Green tea photo – Pixabay (PD). Green tea is an ancient drink used in India and China for its potent medicinal properties. As more and more people pay attention to the benefits …

Miracle Red Juice

Graphic: © Image © vrozhko – (under license) What do you get when you take some of nature’s most nutritious ingredients and dump them in a juicer? Easy, a kick-ass drink swelling with potent health benefits! Nicknamed the …

The Healthiest Foods On The Planet

Graphic: © Image sources – see foot of article. Here is a “top 16” of foods that are widely regarded to be abong the very best you could eat. How many of these are you eating? 1. Lemon and …

Health Benefits Of Fruit

Graphic: © Image sources – see foot of article. Adding more fruits to your diet helps reduce the risk of disease and improve overall health. Some of them are rich in essential nutrients and potent compounds that provide unique …